XVIII ✧ Invitation

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Is the "What did Kaige do?" suspense killing you yet? :')


Chapter Eighteen

Avarice found Ajal gazing out at the courtyard at the back of the castle, a soft and content smile on his face. His hands were clasped together behind his back.

Avarice remembered when she had first heard of him. He had been one of the first humans to ever die. He was born in the part of the world that was now called Asia. His appearance from when he had been a mortal was still the one that he used, though his real and true form was that of a skeletal being that many would refer to as monstrous. He had black hair that shone in the sunlight like the melanite ring he had on the ring finger of his left hand, and dark brown eyes that caught the attention of just about anyone who looked at him. It was, of course, for a different reason than that of another person whose eyes were admired. In fact, Ajal's were feared.

His eyes were so dark that they were often mistaken for black. They had become that way when he died and became a Reaper. It usually caught people off guard to see a black-eyed person. In his rare travels to the mortal world, he had had encounters with some of the humans. They then started the rumours of the black-eyed people, and those rumours turned into that of the black-eyed children. The humans believed those people to be demonic, and in a way, they were. She found it interesting that only one person could start such an uproar.

"We have not seen each other in a long while, old friend," she said, holding the glass out to him. "How have you been?"

"Well, over recent years you have never failed to send more than a few souls my way," he said with a smirk, taking the glass and thanking her. He took a drink before continuing. "Though, I do believe that those extra souls could be courtesy of your most recent guests. Would I be correct?"

She smiled. "You often are. And yes, you're right. The great influx of new arrivals would mostly be because of Kol and Finn. Their deaths - the first time around, at least - resulted in their entire sireline being eliminated. Thus why all of those arrivals were vampires."

"Ah. I do hope you know that the majority of not just your world, but mine as well, know about their... Arrival. And who brought them here."

"I assume that the reason why I have no been met with any adversaries is partly your doing?"

He nodded. "To an extent, yes."

"How is Robert?" she asked.

He looked at her, and his black eyes lit up with joy. His demeanour changed to that of a man in love, and he glance down at his ring before meeting her eyes once again. "He is doing well. He'll be happy that you asked. He was disappointed that he could not pay you a visit with me, but he had work to do."

"And knowing Robert, he was too stubborn to let you help," she said, smirking.

Ajal laughed in reply. "You certainly know us well, my dear."

Over time, Ajal's smile faded, and he sighed a little.

"What is it?" she asked.

He didn't seem to want to tell her, so she laid a hand on his shoulder and asked again.

"You will not like this, but Kaige has been contacting me recently."

The moment she heard his name, her concerned expression turned to that of a hidden rage.

"He wishes to know my opinion on the Mikaelson's arrival. He has said that he wants to meet them, but knows that you would never allow him into your home. His solution is to invite you to his."


"Avarice, you must-"

"I said no."

A muscle in his jaw ticked. "I know you hate him. In all honesty, the rest of us do too. But the rest of the Reapers - both Grim and Dream - want to see the Mikaelson's for themselves. They are among the strongest creatures of the mortal world, and you brought them here. You cannot blame them for being interested."

The rage seemed to deepen. "If I wanted the Mikaelson's to be paraded around like trophies, I would have given them to Kaige the moment that they came here."

"It's too late, Avarice. He has already sent out invitations. And I have one here, for you. He knew that you would not accept it if it were from a simple footman."

He reached into his jacket, and pulled out the black and red letter that he had strategically hidden from sight inside the breast pocket of his suit. He handed it to her, and she took it from him, resisting the urge to make it burst into flames at her touch.

The paper of the envelope was black, but it was sealed with Kaige's symbol in dark red wax that reminded her of blood.

Kaige's seal was that of a pentagram, a symbol he had taken up before it was even known to have ties to evil.

Still, she couldn't help but love how fitting it was. A satanic symbol for the devil himself.

She opened the letter, her eyes scanning over the golden script that had come from Kaige's own hand. Just that simple fact made her urge to burn it become even greater.

"My beloved Avarice,

Though you have neglected to inform me yourself, I now know of the Mikaelson's presence in our world. As do the majority of our reapers. In response to this, I would like to invite you, as well as them, to the ball I am holding two days from now. It may be short notice, but it was also a spur of the moment decision on my part. My apologies if this is inconvenient.

I hope that you would find it in your heart to attend as well.

~ Kaige"

Upon realizing that she was still holding the small glass in between her thumb and forefinger, Avarice promptly threw it at the wall in a burst of anger.

Ajal didn't even flinch when it shattered on impact.

"Huh," he said, bringing the glass to his lips before continuing. "I expected you to be upset, but I certainly didn't expect that."

He finished off the drink and set it on the table, then came over to her.

"As far as I know, the ball is to be starting at eight o'clock on Friday. You don't have to attend, but... You should keep in mind that it is not only him that wants to meet the Mikaelson's."

"Let me guess," she growled. "You are planning on going?"



"Because I have found it in myself to forgive him after all this time. Perhaps you should as well," he said, his tone becoming more careful with each word.

"I will never forgive him!" she shouted, surprising herself with how much her voice seemed to rise.

"What's done is done," he replied. "We cannot change the past and neither can he."

"What is he planning, Ajal?"

"He is not planning anything."

"Kaige never does anything without a hidden purpose, and it is usually rather malicious," she argued.

"I don't know, Avarice. I really don't."

She thought about it for a few more moments, then slowly nodded. "Fine. I shall play his little game for one night. But if anything goes wrong, I will have his head."

Ajal couldn't help but smirk, the malicious reaper side of him coming to the surface.

"As will I, my dear."

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