Chapter 1 - First Year

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Hey guys! So this is my first fan fiction! It'll be a Harry Potter fan fiction, so, J.K. Rowling, creds to her, but the storyline and stuff is mine, if you think anything is wrong, message me on Instagram or comment at the part, I'll try find your comment/message and see what it says. I am new to this so please no hate, but yeah! I'll try posting quite regularly, but  I don't really know when. Follow my Instagram 'acciofandqms' for some updates! But keep reading! If you do enjoy my story, then, vote, comment, follow, whatever! Thanks!

Harry's POV

"Harry James Potter, you come here is this instant!" Screeched a voice. I rolled my eyes, but, obediently made my way downstairs. My bedroom was a mess. I had been messing about with my toy broomstick, which I could no longer ride, but could place toys on it so it seemed they were flying. It was so fun when they fell of from a height and then dropped on one of the other toys, as if World War Two was happening again.

When I finally managed to reach the bottom of the stairs, after a long while of slow motion movements and forward roles, my mum was waiting for me, holding, holding;

"MY HOGWARTS LETTER!" I said, possible loud enough for everyone on my road to hear, but, it wasn't breaking my record of two streets down, which would've been cool.

My mum raised an eyebrow, as all of a sudden my slow motion had sped up extremely fast and now I had already, grabbed the letter, done a few dances, and was now struggling to open the door so I could celebrate on the street.

"This is why you lock the door, James." called my mother to my dad. Ooh! My dad! I sprinted to my dad and handed him the letter, whilst shouting

"Look! Look! It Came! It Came!" about a million times. My dad lifted me up so that I could touch the star covered ceiling then brought me down and hugged me.

"Right, what you're going to do, is get there, find a ginger, and make her marry you." said my dad, with a cheeky smile. His grin faded when Mum told him to stop and that I could do whatever I wanted, but must revise hard for at least 3 hours a day when my O.W.L.s came up.

"His Ordinary Wizarding Level exams don't come up until ages. Give him a break!" explained my dad. He seemed to have charmed over my mum,  because she went silent, then smiled and broke out with:

"Our son, is going to Hogwarts!" in a squeaky high-pitched voice. She was almost as excited as I was. But, I don't think that that was possible, I couldn't keep still for one second even if my life depended on it. I don't think, at least. It didn't seem possible.

"When will we buy the things that I need so I can go? Can we go now? I really  want a wand. Please." Then I made huge puppy eyes, that Dad couldn't resist, Mum, she was a hard target though. Mum finally gave in, after me threatening to bring my broom and toys downstairs. We all got our things ready to go so that we could buy everything needed. Let me rephrase that. My Mum got our things ready to go so that she could buy everything I needed. And also so that I could get some sweets, using my Mum's money. Works every time.

"Harry, hold onto my hand at all  times, okay? I don't want to lose you, not like last time." She said 'last time' with such grim because, 'last time' happened to be, me losing my Mum and Dad, and finding someone's cloak and then setting it on fire so that my parents would find me. What? It was a good idea, and it worked pretty well. I caught there attention definitely. Not quite in the way I hoped though, that much can be said.

 We made our way from Godric's Hollow to Diagon Alley, which was quite a while away. When we got there, I begged Mum to take us to the sweet shop in. She said that we could go to that second, but first to collect my school books. She got all the books including a book called Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them by Newt Scammander. My Mum said that that series of books was her favourite. When I asked why, she said that I would have to read it to find out. So I waited. Once we collected all the books, we made our way to a sweet shop. It was alright, but a bit dull, quite boring. I was allowed to choose one type of sweet and I went for Snivelling Snakes because I knew that these were the largest sweets. Go big or go home, is what I say. When we went in there, we spotted a large ginger family, there were about 7 individuals there, and one Pygmy Puff. We ended up being next to each other when it came to queing. The youngest boy noticed that I was holding Snivelling Snakes. He seemed quite interested.

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