Chapter 13 - Possibilities

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Harry felt so refreshed once he had his shower. He sorted out his robes and then went downstairs to quickly retrieve Ginny's so she could stop trying to hide the blood soaked clothes. He carefully brought them up and cleaned them of the blood.

"Oh, Harry. We're getting told who makes the team tomorrow. Katie just came in and told us. Fingers crossed!" Ron exclaimed. "It's Saturday tomorrow which is also the first Hogsmeade trip! I don't know why they're doing it so early on but I'm not complaining, I love Honeydukes." Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really? I would never think that?!" Hermione pretended to be shocked. Ron playfully hit her arm. Harry noticed Ginny in the corner of the room talking to Dean. Dean suddenly pecked her on the lips and then hurried upstairs. Ginny looked around the room after he left and her eyes met Harry's. Harry's eyes widened when he realised she was looking at him so he suddenly turned around and looked at his friends, pretending he never noticed Ginny in the first place.

"I'm just going to go for a walk." He hurried away out of the common room to try clear his thoughts.


His wounded hand was still saw but Ginny had put an enchantment on it which mean that the blood wouldn't seep through it. He rubbed it, and walked all the way to the courtyard where he sat down. He was staring at his feet, not focusing just thinking. Harry knew that Professor Umbridge was not going to be a good teacher for their O.W.L. year. Hermione had a point and someone needed to fix it, but how? Harry had no clue. The entire class was in need of a better Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, because with Umbridge they would learn nothing. Her way of punishment wasn't helping either.

"What's on your mind?" Asked a dreamy voice. Harry looked up, and noticed first, the Ravenclaw robes, then the white hair, then the confused expression.

"Hello Luna. I'm just wondering about Umbridge." Harry explained.

"Me too. She isn't great is she? I gave her a chance but I don't think that she got better. The books aren't very helpful without practice as well." Luna stated. Harry nodded, smiling. He moved up on the bench and made room for Luna to sit down. She smiled, and took the seat. "Thank you."

"No problem. Now, how are we going to fix this dilemma with Umbridge." Harry questioned.

"You're quite good at Defence Against the Dark Arts aren't you? Ginny told me that you can perform a Patronus charm. You could teach us." Harry was surprised by the fact that Ginny talked to Luna about him. "You are very good at that sort of stuff. You have done a lot of things with your wand that great wizards struggle to do, I reckon you could teach us the stuff we need to know in time for the exams." Her dreamy tone stayed with her throughout their whole conversation. 

"Where would I teach them though?" Harry asked politely.

"The Shrieking Shack?" Luna suggested.

"It's too small... how about the Three Broomsticks?"

"It's a bit loud, don't you think?" Harry did think that, and agreed. They sat quietly and thought for a bit. Finally, Harry spoke up. "We should see who wants to actually do it, then maybe they can help us." Luna nodded and said it was a good idea. They said their goodbyes and Harry made his way back to the common room. He was about to say the password to the lady, but Ginny burst out of it. 

"Oh, Hello Ginny. Are you ok?" Harry asked concerned.

"Yes, are you? I was about to come find you. You were on a very long walk, thought something may have happened you know?"

"No, I'm fine don't worry. Oh, tell me, what's going on between you and Dean?" Harry wanted to know because he had noticed Ginny and Dean being together a lot, so wanted to know.

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