Chapter 14 - Dumbledore's Army

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A lot had happened to Harry inn the past few days. School had started, he met Umbridge, he had a painful detention, he tried out for quidditch at the last second, secured a spot in the quidditch team, thought about Dumbledore's army, went through and made Dumbledore's army, and now he was about to have his first Dumbledore's Army session.
"Ready Harry?" Hermione poked her head into the boys room.
"What? Oh, yes." Harry responded.
"You okay?" Hermione tilted her head.
"Yes? I think." Harry admitted. Hermione walked over to him and sat next to him on his bed. She raised a harsh eyebrow at him and waited. "Okay, well. It's just, what if I can't teach them anything? What if I'm just as useless as Umbridge? Then what will they think of me?" Harry suddenly burst out with emotions. Hermione rubbed his arm and she smiled sympathetically.
"It'll be alright. I promise you. Anyway, nobody is worse than that rat." She laughed. She looked him in his eyes and smiled. "You'll be absolutely fine. Just letting us use our wands is miles better and you're a great wizard, no one can deny that. You'll know what to say and how to teach us when you do. You'll just know." Hermione smiled reassuringly. Harry looked at her and smiled. If Harry could choose a sister he knew he would choose Hermione.
"Thanks sis." He laughed.
"Anytime bro." She grinned. They had a quick hug and then hurried off to the room of requirement.


When Harry and Hermione reached the Room of Requirement, they had to wait for a bit to check that the corridors were clear. If anyone saw them going in, they'd probably tell a teacher. The worst case scenario was that a teacher walked by or a Slytherin walked past. Ultimate worst would be a Slytherin teacher. Professor Snape and Umbridge would have no problem with filing a proper complaint to Dumbledore. When Hermione had checked that the coast was clear, Harry started walking back and forth.
'I need a place to teach. I need a place to teach. I need a place to teach.' Suddenly, the low rumbling was heard again. A massive door was made and Harry and Hermione sneaked into it. It was a huge empty room except for a few dummies and a few helpful books including curses, jinxes and charms. Hermione stroked some of the books spines on the shelf and looked extremely impressed.

"This is incredible!" Hermione exclaimed.
"I know. It's pretty cool right? I'm very happy Ginny found this." Harry smiled widely.
"You like her." Hermione stated quietly.
"What? Well I like her but not like-like." Harry spoke quickly and shortly.
"That's a lie. Harry I'm basically your sister and I know you. I see how you look at her. Don't lie to me." Hermione insisted. Harry shrugged.
"Actually, I have my eye on someone else at the moment. Plus, so what if I did like her? She's Ron's sister and dating Dean Thomas so that is just a big red warning sign." Harry held up his arms in an 'X'. 
"Oh, hey guys!" whispered Ginny, who had been walking behind them the entire time. "I um, only just arrived?" She had a slight question to her voice which made Harry blush.
'Did she just hear everything I said? What did she hear? ' Harry thought. 'Oh goodness.'
"Uh, welcome. Has anyone else actually arrived?" Harry wondered aloud. Ginny shook her head.
"Just me. Dean is coming along soon. He just got a bit side tracked with some football game." Ginny mumbled. Harry nodded and looked sideways at Hermione who's eyebrow was raised and she was eyeing him up saying 'I know you are jealous of him and I shall torture you until you admit it.' Harry shook his head back at her as if to say 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

It took a few minutes before everyone had arrived. People had noticed that the meeting was held a few minutes late. The first to arrive had been Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville. Neville, Luna and Ginny seemed most excited by the idea of the DA. The room slowly filled in with Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Harry noticed Cho Chang next to some of her Ravenclaw friends. His stomach flipped yet again and he pulled a really awkward smile. She waved back, when all of a sudden a loud cough burst open his eardrum. Harry gave Hermione an especially confused expression that read 'What?' all over.
"Everyone is here!" she hissed back. "You need to start!"
"Oh, right um, yes." Harry brushed his hand through his messy hair and faced everybody. "Welcome to Dumbledore's Army!  Hopefully everybody was fine with their galleons and had not trouble. Ah, so. We will be starting off with simple yet useful spells. Why not start with... Expelliarmus!" Harry's voice was raised. People looked around with odd faces.
"Sorry, but, isn't that an easy spell? What good is that going to do us?" asked a Ravenclaw boy with an oddly pinched face.
"It's actually a very helpful spell. It can get you out of a lot of problems and solves a few. It practically saved me last year." Harry responded. When Bellatrix had killed Cedric, Harry had to obviously try and survive. She was about to cast the crucio curse, her personal favourite, when Harry shot his spell back at her and it certainly caused some sort of an escape. The pinched faced Ravenclaw stepped back and quietened up. Harry, happy with himself, continued.
"Everybody get into pairs. We'll practice this spell first, and you'll be surprised to see how many people haven't mastered it. Especially without the recent practice." 

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