Chapter 23 - The Happiest Memory

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Neville and Luna were practically running to the Room of Requirement, and they left Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny a little bit behind.

"They're perfect for each other, aren't they?" smiled Ginny. Hermione grinned widely.
"They really are." said Hermione happily. Ron and Harry looked at each other, and nodded in agreement. If there were any two people more perfect for each other than Luna and Neville, Harry decided he'd let Ginny jinx him.

"Come on guys! Hurry up!" yelled Neville back the others. They all stifled their laughs and dropped the conversation, speeding up to join him and Luna. They all watched as Luna eagerly opened the doors to the room, and then Neville opened the door for her after it had finally appeared. Luna mumbled her thanks, and then so did Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny in turn. Neville went over to join Luna in the corner of the room again, and sat with his hands over his ears. Harry walked slowly up to Luna who was looking dreamily around the room.
"What is Neville doing? With his hands I mean." asked Harry, interested.
"Thinking of his happiest memory for practice. I know mine." spoke Luna calmly and simply. Harry nodded.
"Nice. Can I ask what yours is? I might know if it's strong enough." smiled Harry. Luna nodded and stood up. She walked near the middle, and Harry followed, though wondering why.
"I feel that since I know a secret of yours, you can know a secret of mine. It was when I met Neville in our second year. He has always been nice to me. He believes in nargles!" whispered Luna excitedly. Harry breathed through his nose heavily and happily.
"Of course."  He half muttered. Luna raised both her eyebrows.
"What does that mean?" asked Luna curiously.
"Oh, well. It's just that you and Neville kind of seem perfect for each other." mumbled Harry awkwardly. Luna nodded.
"Interesting." said Luna in a knowing tone.
"Do you like him like that?" asked Harry, he really wished to know.
"Yes." responded Luna quite simply. "Bye now." she waved and walked off, surprising Harry. He hadn't exactly expected a one word answer.
"Right." he muttered to himself.

"What was that about?" asked a new voice. Harry looked up from his shoes and then down a little bit to see Ginny standing in front of him.
"S-Sorry?" stuttered Harry. The nerves in his stomach that so often arrived visited him again. He pulled a surprised face by accident.
"What was going on with Luna? Are you okay? You just pulled a funny face, did I do something?" asked Ginny. Harry could tell that she was more interested in the second question, but he still ignored it and answered the first one.
"She just told me that she likes Neville and was going to use when she met Neville as her happy memory." said Harry, not meeting Ginny's eyes. Although he wasn't looking her directly in the face, Harry could tell that she just rolled her eyes.
"You know I don't really care about that question, although that it quite interesting. I'll speak to her about it later. Now, answer my second question, Are you okay?" she asked again, more impatient now. Harry looked her in the eyes, he knew that he had to say, and he couldn't bother coming up with a lie to Ginny.
"Yes, just my stomachs gone all funny. Nerves. After Luna left to talk with Neville, I got these funny nerves in my stomach." Harry decided not to lie, but also not to say exactly when he got the nerves. It was right after Luna had gone to speak to Neville, but it was also after Ginny had joined him. Harry got nerves around Ginny so often that even he was starting to question it.
"Maybe your nervous for teaching patronuses. It's a big spell, I wouldn't be surprised if you were nervous." explained Ginny. Harry nodded and met her eyes.
"Yeah." said Harry simply. "Maybe." he breathed. Ginny looked like she was about to ask him to repeat himself, but she stopped herself and waved goodbye to go join Eloise who had just entered. Harry heard them talking about quidditch, and his eyes scanned the room. Although he didn't make eye contact with Hermione, he could see her giving him a smug look. He took in a deep breath, and walked over to Hermione.

"What. Why are you giving me that look?" Harry sighed. Hermione smirked.
"Don't lie to me when you respond to me. I am your best friend and I see the way that you look at Ginny. Just admit it! You get those little lovey-dovey butterflies around her and you laugh at her jokes louder than anyone. Anytime you see her you brush your hair as if you just got off your broom. You pull out your stolen snitch and make impressive catches. You can't take your eyes off her whether you're sitting near her or if she's on the opposite side of the room! I see it Harry! I see it all!" Harry closed his eyes for a second and breathed out heavily.
"I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I do not like Ginny Weasley in that way!" whispered Harry angrily, trying to keep his voice down. A few turned their heads, but no one seemed to have registered what he'd said. Hermione shook her head.
"Fine." she muttered. "We'll go with that."

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