Chapter 20 - Determination

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It took Harry than he expected to find a place to hide to cupboards. He decided to hide them all the way over in the Room of Requirement, but he took the cupboards one by one, so that there was less of a chance of him accidentally making a loud noise. When Harry finally got back to the common room, it was well past midnight, and Harry assumed no one would be sitting waiting for him. He mumbled the password to the Fat Lady on the portrait, and the painting swung open for Harry to clamber into. When he stepped in and turned his head around the corner, he noticed that Ginny was still awake, and downstairs.

"Hello Ginny. Are you okay?" asked Harry. Ginny turned around and smiled.
"Good, you're back. We need to talk." Ginny motioned for Harry to sit down beside her, and she removed the pillow that was on the sofa. Harry nodded and sat down, and then raised his eyebrows at Ginny as if to say 'What? '.
"Is it perhaps okay if I don't have a go with the boggarts when we practice with them at DA?" asked Ginny, looking quite concerned. Harry nodded at her.
"OH, yeah. Sure! Am I allowed to ask why?" Harry responded. Ginny gulped and shook her head.
"I'd rather you didn't." said Ginny. Harry nodded and moved on. He wasn't going to force a secret out of her. Ginny smiled, at Harry and hugged him.
"Thanks." she mumbled. Harry hugged her back and grinned.
"No problem." said Harry. He then stood up, and offered Ginny his hand. She took it, and stood up. The top of her head was up to his chin, but that was not because she was small, just because Harry seemed to have had a big growth spurt during the holiday. They then made their ways up the separate stairs, and Harry only went into the room when he heard Ginny's door close. He then changed into his pajamas and sat on the bed to pull his covers over his body. He yawned, and fell asleep.


Harry was up without a single sign of tiredness. He had had an extremely good sleep, and was very excited for the meeting they had. He took out his fake galleon that Hermione had handed out to the group, and he put the date into it. He watched the numbers changed, and he saw the galleon on Neville's bedside table glow ever so slightly as the number change registered on it. This reassured Harry that it had worked, so he put it on his own bedside table, before he got changed into his own school clothes.

As Harry was eating his breakfast, many people joined him. Neville came and sat down next to him, and asked him what they would be learning in the meeting that they had, but Harry told him it would be a surprise. Luna also came over from the Ravenclaw table to ask if she was allowed to know what it might be, but Harry still didn't say. After Harry insisted he wouldn't tell, she walked off to her table, and pulled out her copy of The Quibbler. Harry noticed that she sat by herself, and Harry felt a sudden flush of anger to the Ravenclaws for not including Luna. Harry had begun to really like Luna and her company. She was very helpful in all of the meetings, and to find out that her own house didn't treat her like family, was like a personal attack to Harry. He wished that she could have come and sat with him on the Gryffindor table, but he felt that that wouldn't go down too well. He only took his mind off of it when Ron and Hermione arrived, and he persuaded himself that she was perfectly happy reading The Quibbler by herself. Harry was smiling all throughout the breakfast, because he was realizing that although there may not have been many, there were some people that really enjoyed the help he tried to give. Luna and Neville were so excited for the next meeting, and Harry noticed they were always one of the firsts to arrive at the meetings, and kept bugging Harry in an un-annoying about what they would be learning. Ginny was also very happy to be part of the meetings, but she wasn't asking questions as she already knew what they would be doing. Ron and Hermione were very interested in the meetings and had been asking, but stopped shortly after they realized that no meant no.

Harry tried his best to concentrate in Transfiguration, and surprised himself and Professor McGonagall when he was able to complete a vanishing spell on his snail before the lesson ended. Hermione had moved onto the mouse already, but Harry had barely ever successfully completed a spell before the lesson had finished. Professor McGonagall was so pleased she gave him 10 house points for his improvement and determination. Due to a good start in the day, Harry felt nothing could go wrong. Even in Defence Against the Dark Arts, he was able to stay happy and for once not wish to murder Professor Umbridge in unthinkably evil ways.

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