Chapter 10 - Hogwarts Again

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Harry was getting more and more excited for Hogwarts. He knew that it was only just around the corner, which was not decreasing his excitement. One day, close to the end of summer, his dad came charging downstairs in a quidditch uniform, carrying his own box of all of the balls, snitch, bludger and quaffle, and, his marvellous Nimbus 2001. The footsteps were heard all throughout the house, his eager excitement and common giggles. He knocked on Ron's door which held both Ron and Harry, waking them both up. They grabbed their dressing gowns and hurried downstairs, following James. They were soon joined by Ginny and Hermione, Harry knew that Ginny was also a quidditch fan, and was thinking of trying out at school. Harry nodded at Hermione and Ginny, saying 'Good morning'. They smiled back and continued watching James, who was running outside. Soon, Fred and George arrived and then Lily, Molly and Arthur. Everyone had slightly confused expressions on their faces but everyone's eyes were locked on James. No one bothered asking questions as they knew they'd find out soon enough what was going on.

"Hello, everybody. I, James Potter, am going to show you my quidditch skills, but, just so you know, I Haven't played in years. Say, Harry, Ron, Fred, everyone with a broom, help me with this please, don't just stand there staring!" Harry and the others rushed to their brooms and clambered on, then zoomed off. The people remaining on the floor were Lily, Molly, Arthur and Hermione. Lily opened the box, sent the snitch up, then threw up the quaffle. Less than a second later the bludgers were flying among them. Ron remained keeper, Harry the seeker, and the two twins where beaters. Ginny and James were chasers, passing the ball between themselves. Fred and George seemed to switch teams continuously. They were practising hitting players and defending players, whilst Harry just continued on the snitch. James and Ginny had scored 50 points between them, and Ron had saved 30 points.

"Harry, couldn't you have a slower broomstick? You're impossible to hit!" Fred cried, after swinging at the bludger and missing Harry hopelessly. Harry smirked, and carried on after the snitch. Harry missed it multiple times because he was busy watching his dad play. After all these years, he had never seen his dad fly. It was incredible. Harry could barely keep his mouth shut when he watched him. He was effortlessly zooming around, and moved the broomstick seemingly with just his thoughts. It was like the broom knew exactly what he was thinking. When Harry did catch the snitch, Ginny had scored 60 points and James had scored 70. When everybody was settled, James pulled Harry aside.

"Why didn't you tell me Ginny was so good?" James asked.

"Honestly, I hadn't a clue." Harry said truthfully. James nodded and looked at him in the eyes.

"I like her. She is a good friend. You should stick with her."

"Stick with her? What does that mean?"

"I think you know" insisted James, before hurrying off. Harry's gaze followed him into the house, where he saw Ginny. Harry slowly walked up to her and cleared his throat to announce his presence.

"You are incredible. Seriously- why didn't you tell me? Even my dad noticed you!" Harry exclaimed. Ginny smiled broadly. 

"Thank you, kind sir. You're amazing too! I was watching you, you're just as good as your dad, the way that you turn with the broom, not turning and then bringing the broom, you know what I mean right?" She half mumbled. Harry nodded, for he did.

"You can do it too, you know. You don't realise that you're as good as you are."

"Well, maybe you can teach me later, thanks, Harry. See you." she smiled, and with a wink, jogged off upstairs. Harry smiled to himself, looking down at his feet. In his hand, he still held the snitch. He opened his palm slightly, and watched the wings flutter. Then, he went to the box and closed the snitch in it.


"MORNING EVERYBODY! RISE AND SHINE!". Molly's bellow woke the entire house up. Most people had packed the night before, but a few still hadn't. Well, Ron and Harry hadn't. Hermione's disappointed muttering could be heard outside their door as Ron and Harry rushed to try and pack their stuff. Harry and been helping Ron first and then they would move on to Harry, but Ron was getting hungrier.

"Harry can you pass me my robes please?" Harry nodded and picked up the grey Gryffindor robes. He folded them neatly before giving them to Ron. "Thanks mate." After they had finally finished with Ron's belongings, Ron's stomach erupted with grumbles.

"It's fine Ron, go and eat, I'll be fine." Harry commanded. It was not an offer, Ron could only say yes. Ron thanked him greatly and then ran downstairs. After a few minutes, a head poked round the door.

"Oh, Hello Ginny." Harry smiled, barely looking up.

"Need help there?" Ginny wondered.

"Uh, yes please." Harry chuckled, looking at the massive mess left by him. Ginny laughed and started picking up some clothes and books. Ginny had already eaten since she had packed the day before. She hummed sweetly as she was packing and Harry joined in whistling. Harry caught her eye and smiled at her. 'No.' He told himself. 'That's Ron's sister, she is out of bounds. You don't like her like that. She is a sister to you. It's not butterflies, just start of school nerves.' Harry lied to himself, for he never felt these nerves at the start of other school years. He stopped himself and went back to packing. He grabbed Hedwig who had been flying around and carefully and gently placed her in his cage.

"HARRY POTTER HURRY UP!" yelled a different voice, his mums.

"Go eat, I'll stay packing." Ginny declared.                

"Thanks, Ginny. Really." He murmured. 


After a humungous breakfast, Harry was finally ready, and Ginny was beginning to bring his stuff downstairs. She was taking Hedwig first and Harry slid past her to Ron's room. He picked up the biggest case started making his way to the stairs. His muscles were tensed and Harry could see the veins in his arms that he had to admit made him a bit uncomfortable. He hated the fact that his veins were that close to the surface and kept his eyes focused on the case and the stairs, not his arms. Ginny was making her way up the stairs and Harry let her go through.

"Thanks." Ginny smiled. Ginny noticed his arms and hurried behind him so he wouldn't see her jaw as it hit the floor. "OH MY GOD!" she whispered to herself.

When everyone's cases and things were downstairs, the big truck that Arthur had bought was driven out of the garage. Everyone started putting their belongings into the boot. Harry noticed Hermione struggling with her case and was about to go help when Ginny suddenly zoomed in and took the case by herself. Harry smiled out of the corner of his mouth and moved on.

***                                                                                                                                                                                                  A good amount of time later


It was 10:50 when they reached Kings Cross Station. Everyone was hurrying in pairs, pushing trolleys or clearing the way of muggles. When they finally reached Platform 9¾ it was 10:56. Fred and George ran one after the other into the wall, and disappeared from sight. Then Molly and Arthur, Ron and Hermione, and Lily and James. Harry looked at Ginny, and Ginny looked at Harry. They smiled, knowingly, and Harry nodded at her and then the wall, signifying that she could go first. 

She thanked him and then ran forwards, followed soon by Harry.

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