Chapter 5 - Gryffindor

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odd note here and I can assure you that I am sorry and I know its annoying but I have finally come back to this, after a year of not being here, and started writing, only to realise I accidentally put 'he' and 'him' talking about Harry. I am reading the chamber of secrets for the millionth time as we speak and J.K. Rowling uses 'he'/'him'/'Harry' so I guess it is now stuck in my head, instead of 'I'/'me' like I had been previously writing. So, from now on (after this chapter), I am going to switch it to 'Harry'/'he'/'him' which is very annoying I know but it would take ages to go back and change it, I am just hoping that you read this and know that I apologise. Bucket full of soz, ellie :)

Welcome, now, ter Gryffindor!

Percy Weasley, Ron's older brother, told all of the Gryffindor's to follow him, when the Great Feast was finished. It was an amazing feast, and I think that Ron liked it a lot. Correction. Loved it a lot. He wouldn't leave the table at first, he wanted to stay with the chicken drumsticks! Hermione started stating that Ron would probably do best with chicken nuggets than any female attraction. 

Most of us agreed.

We made are way to a painting, that seemed to be, moving. It was a large, fat, and especially ugly lady, in a white dress. Then Percy said some confusing words:

"Caput Draconis, please."

"You what? You want a dragon's head?" Asked the fat lady, repulsed.

"No, no quite absolutely not. It's the password, remember?" Percy begged.

"Ummm, right. Sure. Just, yeah. Come in." She said, whilst a weird door with her painting on it moved backwards into a large, red and gold, common room. With large, warm, fire heating up the room, magical chandeliers that were hanging on nothing, and in a sort of circular room.

"This," Percy said "is the Gryffindor common room. Up to the left," he pointed at a staircase "is the boy's dormitories, and to the right," he then pointed right "is the girls dormitories. Don't ask why as I personally don't know, but girls are allowed in the boy's dorms, but boys aren't allowed in theirs. And boys, if you do try, bring some water up with you, and you can make a water slide back down." He finished off, with a face full of sarcasm.

Ron, Hermione and I decided that we would just sit, near enough the fire on one of the sofas.

"Say, Ron, will Ginny be coming to Hogwarts next year? Is she the last Weasley child to be coming here? Right?" I said, quite awkwardly trying to break the ice.

"Well, yeah, dude. Why?" He replied, confused.

"Just- Just breaking the ice, you know." I reassured him. Which was partly true. I could feel my ears burning at turning red, so I just nodded, and reached into my bag for a book to occupy myself with.

I wasn't actually paying any attention to the pages, just flicking through them to avoid awkwardness.

"Hey guys, you alright?" said Olivia, peeking her head from behind a chair. She had just been playing a game of wizard's chess but her opponent had left her. "Care to join?"

Ron nearly fell off of his seat at the offer "Sure! I love wizard's chess!" almost as eagerly as possible. It was as if a super loyal dog had just heard the door bell ring and was panting, running circles in front of the door because the owner was about to step inside.

You can't get more eager than that.

With Ron playing with Olivia, and Hermione completely zoned out of the world, and instead into her book, I had some time to kill.

I wandered up stairs, and went and sat on my bed. I removed my broom from it's box under the bed.  'This was the broom that his dad used to win multiple Quidditch matches. Woah.' He thought. 'Maybe, just maybe, I can try this out. I mean, if I can remember correctly, I was alright at it on my little one, I could try on the big on? ' Slowly but surely I stood over it and put it between my legs. I squinted his eyes in concentration and focused on hard on all of the tips that my dad had taught me. Finally, I lifted my legs and, hey, I was floating. I felt my smile take over my face as my accomplishment sunk in, and then I started to move. Only this is where my memory failed me. I was good outside in open space, but not so good indoors. I zoomed off in all sorts of wonky angles, before discovering myself on the floor, with my broomstick on top of me. I groaned and closed my eyes. 'I don't think that I will try that again.'


Hi guys, it's me, Ellie. I just want to say, I am so sorry I have not been on recently. Or at all in forever. School has distracted me massively and I found a new hobby gaming. I am going to keep on writing for as much as I can, because I recently discovered this email account and found some of the nice comments I have been receiving, saying to update more. I know its late but I might as well try. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! 

P.S. odd note here and I can assure you that I am sorry and I know its annoying but I have finally come back to this, after a year of not being here, and started writing, only to realise I accidentally put 'he' and 'him' talking about Harry. I am reading the chamber of secrets for the millionth time as we speak and J.K. Rowling uses 'he'/'him'/'Harry' so I guess it is now stuck in my head, instead of 'I'/'me' like I had been previously writing. So, from now on (after this chapter), I am going to switch it to 'Harry'/'he'/'him' which is very annoying I know but it would take ages to go back and change it, I am just hoping that you read this and know that I apologise. Bucket full of soz, ellie :)

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