Chapter 30 - Christmas Day

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Harry was very pleased with his Christmas Eve, and was left feeling like a child as he lay on his bed, wide awake and waiting for it to turn into Christmas Day. He thought that he was the only one awake, but was proven wrong when Ron tapped on Harry's shoulder.
"Oi, mate! You awake?" he asked in a loud whisper.
"Yeah." whispered Harry back. Ron shook his head happily.
"Can't get to sleep either eh?" he asked. Harry smiled.
"I can't seem to get even the tiniest bit tired. And I kind of want a drink but I can't go downstairs because I'll see our parents preparing." admitted Harry. Ron nodded.
"Oh well. It's a shame that we can't use our wands because then we'd just have it, wouldn't we?" moaned Ron.
"Hey ho." mumbled Harry. He looked at his watch and read that it was 4am. "I'm going to try get a few hours sleep now, see you in the morning, Ron. Happy Christmas." Ron nodded and then turned over in his bed, facing away from Harry.

Harry didn't realise that he had properly tried to sleep, all he knew was that all of a sudden he was in a sweet slumber.


Harry woke up to a knock on the door.
"Hello?" the voice called.
"Hello there." responded Harry.
"It's Christmas!" they shouted.
"I know!" cried Harry, levelling the person.
"Can I open the door?" they asked. Harry let them, and the door swung open to reveal Ginny. Harry hadn't been able to tell because of the door muffling her voice. Harry stood up a bit too quickly and felt his head sway with dizziness.
"Woah there." Ginny said, and placed her hand firmly on his arm so that he wouldn't fall over. Harry expected to feel butterflies in his stomach, but he didn't.
"Thanks." he mumbled. Harry nodded over to Ron, who was still asleep. Ginny smirked.
"What do you reckon. Pour water on him, jump on him, or get Fred and George's old trumpet and blow it in his ear." Harry thought for a moment, placing his hand on his chin and finally decided what to do.

Harry and Ginny ran downstairs giggling to find the trumpet that once belonged to either Fred or George. When they finally found it they both tip toed upstairs back into Ron's room. Ron was snoring louder than ever, and so Harry just nodded at Ginny, who was crouched by Ron's bed, the trumpet already at her mouth. Ginny puffed her cheeks and blew into the trumpet. Harry was ready for the loud noise that followed and he felt quite bad for Ron. Only for a second though.

"AGGGGHHHHHHH!" Ron screamed. Ginny finally stopped blowing the trumpet, and looked over to Harry who was in tears.
"That... was the best thing ever!" Harry managed to say. Ginny nodded happily with a wide grin spread all across her face. Ron didn't look so happy, but he did begin to laugh.
"I'm going to go deaf because of you!" he exclaimed, rubbing his ear. Harry patted him on the back and they walked down together in their pyjamas. 

When Harry and Ginny had run down to collect the trumpet, Harry didn't really have much time to take in the decorations that the Weasley family had made or put up. When he was looking around the house, he took in different smells of cinnamon, oranges, fire, vanilla, fur cones and pine cones. They all seemed to warm him up as he walked around and even when he looked outside the window to see the snow falling gently, he felt like he was surrounded by just the right amount of heat.

When Harry walked into the lounge, he noticed a magnificently decorated tree that hadn't been there before. There were ball-balls with moving pictures in them, gold pine cones, red and white candy canes. There were wooden carved stars with the initials of the Weasley and Potter family. There was magical tinsel that floated around the ceiling and glitter seemed to float around the room but they avoided a bubble around each person.

Harry felt himself turning around in circles to try and notice all different details. There were of course the many snow globes of moving pictures of everyone, but Harry noticed that Mr Weasley's was staying still, and Harry presumed that it was a muggle camera he took the picture with. Harry smiled to himself when he remembered the present that he got for Mr Weasley, and then again when he remembered the present he got for Mrs Weasley.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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