Chapter 6 - The Boy In Potions Class

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Harry already hated him. Just the name, 'Professor Snape' gave him chills. He and Ron were expecting a seating plan from him but as he walked out of the cupboard he snarled at them and said:

"Sit down, quickly, before I lose my mind." while rubbing his forehead. Ron and Harry looked at each other and nodded, and, as if speaking through their minds, headed straight for the back of the classroom.

After everyone finished hurrying to choose seats next to their new friends, Professor Snape headed back in the cupboard. Harry quickly looked around, where he noticed a boy from Slytherin, sat by himself in the corner. Harry prodded Ron and nodded in the boys direction. Ron's eyes followed and then shrugged at Harry.

"What?" he whispered.

"Should we invite him here?" Harry replied, in a just as quiet whisper.

"I dunno." Ron shrugged again.

"He is by himself, I feel bad for him." Harry explained. Ron still shrugged. They argued for a bit quietly, before Harry decided that he was going to.

"Hey, excuse me, er, Hello? Do you want to sit next to us? There is an empty seat." Harry said in a voice, slightly raised from a whisper.

"Uhum." He clears his throught, "um, my father told me not to sit with anyone who isn't a.." he pauses and looks down, clearly disappointed, "Slytherin." He then looks away.

"Well, he doesn't know if you do." Harry replies.

"Trust me. He does know." He looks really uncertain and frightened. "Please, just let me sit here." He then looks away. Harry shrugs and turns to Ron.

"That was strange." He says in a voice, this time lower than a whisper. Almost silence. Ron just nods.

Suddenly, the cupboard door slams shut as the Professor walks in. He coughs loudly to clear his throat and then his eyes fix on Harry but he speaks towards the whole class. 

"Everyone, come and grab a potions book." His eyes are stone cold and fixated on Harry, barely moving them. He finally looks away, and only then does Harry get up to retrieve his book. He rolls his eyes as he realises that the only one left is completely beaten up and written in. As he reaches his seat, he realises that the Professor was watching him again. 

"As you all know, I assume, I am Professor Snape. Professor or Professor Snape. Not Snape. Not Snake. Not Professor Snake or the lot. And don't it is original calling me Snake. You will not  be the first to call me that." This time he glares at Harry with a different look on his eyes. More hatred this time. He looks away and he moves on with the lesson. Harry realised that these notations in the book weren't very helpful, and were, in fact, a students failed attempt at drawing a rather unpleasant body part.


"Why'd you try and invite that Malfoy boy over?" Asked Ron, with a puzzled look across his face.

"He was Malfoy? That Draco boy? I don't know. He just looked quite lonely and upset. Figured it couldn't hurt to ask?" Harry replied.

"I suppose, yeah." Ron shrugged. Harry noticed Draco in the corridors, and nodded in his direction.

"What?" said Ron.

"Just pointing him out. He doesn't seem to have many if any friends." Said Harry, stating the facts.

"Yeah, well I bet it's because of his dad. His dad was a bit odd. In a bad, bad way. His dads family has been strictly slytherins for centuries, and, his dad and his family hate, I repeat hate muggle born witches and wizards. People probably know that and assume he is the same." Explained Ron.

"Well, that explains a lot."


Back in the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Hermione found themselves in a deep discussion about Hermione's muggle life.

"So, wait let me just check this with you, you, when you realised you had some sort of magic, used it to try flick pages of a book by themself? Why didn't you try...make your toys dance or make something to scare your mum? I did that. A lot. Too much probably but that's not the point, but still, you just flicked through books with your magic? Why.....why?" Harry asked, frustrated.

"Well, confusing my parents with magic would have given them a heart attack, they're fine now with it but still, and anyway, as a muggle born, I wanted to learn about magic so I sent a letter back to the school seeing what book I could learn from and where I could get it, so I went to Diagon Alley and bought Hogwarts: A History. Then, I flicked through the pages using the magic that I first became aware of abilities from." Hermione explained. Harry nodded all throughout her explanation in obvious interest.

"I suppose that makes sense." He shrugged.

"Hey Harry, how did you get that lightning scar on your forehead? I don't think you have said." She pointed out.

"Oh, um car accident. My parents are interested in cars so we have, well, had one. Why do you ask?"

"Just interested." Hermione stated. Harry nodded as it seemed like a fair point. "So, are you pure-blooded or half-blooded?" Asked Hermione, continuing the conversation.

"Oh, um, half-blood. But my mum is still a witch, just a muggle-born like you." He smiled. Hermione nodded and then returned to the book that had laid open upside-down on her lap for the duration of their conversation. A few minutes passed before Harry suddenly realised something. "Hey how did Olivia get in here? I thought that she was in Ravenclaw?" Hermione looked confused and just stared at him. "Olivia. Was in here. Earlier. Olivia Garcia? The girl from the train? Your friend?" Hermione continued to stare blankly.

"I know who Olivia Garcia is, but was she?" she asked. Harry nodded impatiently.

"Didn't you realise? I mean, I just realised now, but it hadn't occurred to me then, and I think that Ron was perfectly fine with Olivia being here. No doubt about that." admitted Harry. Hermione was still struggling to remember this when she suddenly realised something.

"OH MY GOSH!" she shouted, slapping her hand to her forehead. Harry looked as though he was about to run all the way out of Hogwarts and back home, after all, he hadn't been expecting Hermione to suddenly yell because she felt like it. Once it finally registered what she was saying into his head, he replaced his shocked face with a  puzzled one.

"What?!" said Harry, frantically.

"Of course how could I forget to mention! I assumed you might realise. No that wasn't Olivia in here. She had Gryffindor clothes on didn't she?" Harry closed his eyes as if he was searching his memories and picturing it, but in his defence, it seemed to work as he did remember Gryffindor robes. "She is, in fact, Olivia's identical twin sister, Lily. God, I can't believe I didn't tell you." she finished. Sudden realisation hit Harry and he expressed it with a loud 'Ooooooooohhhhhh'. Hermione pointed to the corner of the room, where in fact, sat Olivia's look-a-like, or we can call her Lily. Harry chuckled to himself quietly.

"That makes sense now." he  emphasised. Hermione nodded, with her eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Yes it does."



-ellie :)

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