Chapter 14 - X rated pumping and the first taste of sleeplessness.

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Turned out it took longer for her body to recover from a caesarian than it did a real birth. Okay, Julia knew that, she'd heard it when Dr. Kelly had told her weeks ago. Experiencing it was a totally different thing.

Not that she really minded. She was too focused on the twins. Every second they'd let her, she stayed with them, because she knew the first two days were the ones that mattered most for the babies. It'd been lucky that she'd been able to hold them at all. Dr. Kelly backed her up with this- she was more relaxed if she could see them.

The breast pump thing was another bizarre reality slapping her in the face. Apparently she had to start straight away even if no milk was coming out and keep it up till the milk started. Woah. Using that on her boobs?

But it wasn't just get it and keep it 'flowing' for when the babies were older. Apparently they'd be able to introduce the milk to the babies through the feeding tube, when she started to 'flow', and the babies would get all the good stuff. Julia had been worried a little about that.

It was so embarrassing. Sitting there, boob out, while some machine sucked on her nipple and a nurse encouraged her and showed her how to attach it right. It felt totally x-rated. Oliver caught her in the middle of the test-run, during a visit, and the look on his face was priceless.

“We're practising milking.” She informed him. “Want to try?”

He had man boobs that were big and muscular enough for it to latch on, Julia was sure, if she pushed it on his chest hard enough. Oliver had amazing muscles even after being in hospital for weeks. Seriously. She didn't know how he did it. Was that a natural thing werewolves had? Maybe. He had lost quite a bit of weight and muscle though.

Levi got to see it too. Julia sent photos of it. She knew that was a bit silly, really, but the reaction from him was just as priceless as Oliver. He sent her a message back about creating a shrine to her boobs or something really stupid and silly. Typical. She hadn't realised he was so obsessed with that part of the body before and wasn't sure exactly why some guys got like that.

She also got to watch them changing the nappies on the twins. The nappies seemed completely over-sized for the babies, and neither baby seemed to appreciate the attention much, which Julia totally understood. She watched anyway. Julia was allowed to do it with Evangeline once, with a nurse helping, and she tried to accept that this 'let the nurses do it' was going to be limited. Right now they were so tiny and needed so much medical care that she was lucky to be able to try it at all.

But they were okay.

Her mom said it was because they were Julia's babies. They seemed to get through the two days without too much issue. Dr. Kelly had said it was because of the steroid shots she'd given Julia, to help their lungs. For whatever reason though they were thriving and the nurses called them the miracle babies. Surviving a shooting, lasting another three weeks, and now trying to breathe on their own.

Julia just thought they were awesome. Her two angels. Literally awesome, everytime she was in a room with them, she sat there in total awe of them. Their feet, their ears, their eyes, and those toes that curled up when she touched their feet. Hands that kept trying to close around things or find their mouths. She was a girl in love all right.

The media got hold of it again- that the pregnant girl that got shot on Christmas morning had given birth early, and apparently there were donations again. Toys. Clothing. Stuff like that, and Julia was overwhelmed by how nice everyone was. Letters of support and encouragement, other moms saying that they'd given birth this early and their babies were okay, or photos of their kids years later.

Julia knew that there was chaos building up- her dad wasn't even bothering to hide it from her. The Pack was in Tasmania still, the tension about Oliver rising, as they were pretending he was on 'death's door' when he was more or less getting better daily now. She knew her dad was trying to get the asshole who'd shot them all to make a mistake.

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now