[07] LUCAS FRIAR (PT. 3)

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LUCAS finds out from his friends that you left him a note before the two of you broke up, explaining why you made the decision to in the first place (CONT

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LUCAS finds out from his friends that you left him a note before the two of you broke up, explaining why you made the decision to in the first place (CONT. FROM PT. 2)

lucas lied on his bed, holding an ice pack to his left eye. after his altercation with the asshole that hurt you, the coach suspended both boys from the team for the rest of the games. he said he might rethink his decision if they showed respect towards each other and apologized.

"lucas, your friend is here to see you." the blonde haired boy slightly lifted his head to see his mother standing at the doorway.

"i don't really want to see anyone right now mom. can you tell whoever it is to come back later or text me?"

"trust me. your friend is here to see you and i think you should listen to what your friend has to say." lucas sighed in defeat and allowed his mother to let whoever came to see him into his room. he laid his head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, the throbbing in his left eye slightly subsiding.

"lucas?" the green eyed boy immediately lifted his head at the sound of your voice.

"oh my god. y/n? what are you doing here?" you walked over to his bed and hesitantly took a seat on the corner of it.

"i um. i heard about what happened today. between you and alex. are you okay?" the blonde haired boy sat still, unable to move as he was still in shock that you were actually in front of him. talking to him.

"lucas...? are you alright?"

"i miss you y/n. i miss you so goddamn much and i know what that asshole alex said to you and how he pushed you into thinking the best thing for you to do was break up with me. but i miss you baby. i love you. oh my god i love you so fucking much and this entire time that we've been broken up i feel like i've gone crazy. i spent the entire day trying to find you and when i couldn't you have no idea how that felt." you could feel the tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you desperately tried not to cry.

"i know. i saw you running all over the school trying to look for me." lucas inhaled a sharp breath, trying to make sense of everything that was going on.

he was angry with himself for not looking harder. he knew you were at school. he should have found you and it was his fault that he didn't.

"y/n i love you. i don't know how else i can say it. i love you."

it was so easy with lucas. it had always been so easy with lucas. but you couldn't fall into him again. you couldn't do that to him.

"lucas..." the blonde boy knew what you were going to say and he knew he couldn't take it. not again.

"no. i'm not letting you do this. i don't care what alex has over you. i'll deal with him again if i have to but i will not let you walk out anymore. i love you too much for that."

lucas wasn't so willing to give up like he had previously. he couldn't just let you go. not anymore. two people who loved each other this much deserved to be together.

"i... i love you lucas," you started. the beautiful green eyed boy breathed a sigh of relief and a small smile managed to find its way onto his beaten face.

"but we shouldn't be together. it's not right for you. i just think we ne–"

"if this is about alex i already told you i don't give a fuck about that," lucas interrupted.

"trust me. once you hear what it is you won't even want to be with me anymore. alex is doing you a favor." your voice was stiff and it was taking everything for you to not ball your eyes out right there.

"y/n there is nothing anyone could tell me that would make me love you less. why can't you tell me? do you honestly believe that whatever your secret is it's so bad that i'll never want to be with you again?" lucas was always inquisitive and that was something you always loved about him. he never stopped questioning and wondering.

"because you don't want to know lucas. just please trust me that this is for your own good."

"no. no i already told you y/n, i can't go through this again. please don't give up y/n."

you loved lucas, that was never the problem. but did you love him enough to tell him a secret you'd been harboring for so long? 

luecas, xx

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