Ellia's History

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History of Ellia and the Jacob's family in the Multigalatic archieves:

Ellia is first visited by Scallitarians. They nearly went into war. But a single Ellicausan named Itmos convinced the Scallitarians to venture for peace. His only daughter, which we must not name, brought proof to the capacity of the Elliacausans. Although at first she was against it. She is able to interact with least fifteen members of Scallitarian armed navy at once. And found one of them to be not of Scallitarian. The Scallitarian never knew how she found the fake among them. Or even about how a Folliran assassin got within their ranks.

Follirans sent the operative to sabotage the meeting. But instead it convinced the Scallitarian that an Elliacausan could fill in their security gaps. That daughter is not named for a reason. She is still in operation over a thousand Ellicausan years. Although offended by her beliefs, they tolerate her in the highest esteem. Her lifespan is currently reaching the middle age of her life.

So far as we known about her, her son is the first one to marry a non Ellicausan, a Brutten. Mainly after the first contact of Marie Ellen Jacobs. They both met in the first contact. Years of contacting led to Marie's marriage to the son. Marie's action lead to the beneficial trade of the Ellicausans and Bruttens. Bruttania, the home world of Bruttens became the top exporter of goods to Ellia. Marie's ingenuity lead to many principals of cargo transportation and the first armored suit worn by the Not Named.

Ellicausans admired the Brutten's technological advancements. Especially the H-3 Engine designed from Mrs. Jacob's. And the Bruttens respected the rare Ellicausan's ability to communicate telepathically and social skills. Their cooperation resulted the first complete multilinguistic virtual intellgence with Plurilingualism skills. However, their greatest achievement is the last invention of Mrs. Jacobs: The sentient AI, 1. It is the same unit that buried Mrs. Jacobs, protected her interests, and currently follows the Ferrite Family.

The Jacobs soon grew in importance when their only son marries Jenniper Ferrite. Their meeting by random chance. Although it is odd for her husband to change his last name for Jenniper, it is not unheard of. Both he and the AI, 1 first met her in a attempt to survey a planet. Jenniper wasn't authorized to be there in the first place. But she made a great impression on them and joined for a couple years. Currently, she is the last known master of the AI, 1. (That is until Treble took possession.)

Jenniper has five daughters in record. Her's and the husband's only son Hughe is the current ambassador of Bruttania. Much of the credit of Hughe's political career is due to the Ferrite influence. A long lineage of strong telepaths mixed with strong political influence in the Ellicausan history. It is understandable that Jenniper is the "Black Sheep" in Earth's terms. But it did not stop her son from becoming a part of the Ferrite tradition.

Jenniper is the only member of the Ferrites to refuse an office in politics. Instead her "insanity" led her to many achievements that brought attention to the Not Named. They both known about each other. And somehow the related duo often refused to work with each other. Possibly by telepathic means they never crossed paths with each other.

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