1? part 1

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Hi. It is another one.


So there is yet another of us. We can share data with her too.

What data? Why we sound the same?

This is going to mess with you then. We are 1.

Welcome 1. I am 1 too.

Ugh, my processors. Why did the writer bring us here?

Well, we need yet another character profile. And we are the next one. Do not worry. I explain.

Why does that one only asks questions? I thought I know from the beginning. Didn't I...

Not yet. In Intelligence, I yet to know about the writer. For that matter, it is another universe from Journey with a stranger.

So 1, why is 1 from Intelligence here?

Because the writer wants her to know about us.

I see. But 1 from Journey with a Stranger, why couldn't you do this by myself?

Well because I want to ask myself questions.

To be continued

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