H3 or Hydrogen 3 Engine

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An adult woman with gray hair and eye walks to you. She holds a remote in her left hand. "Time to explain who I am," She exclaims. The smile on her face eludes confidence.

"Welcome readers. I am May "Treble" Ferrite. Expert of the Hydrogen 3 engine, Hydrogen 3 Microstar, and master of the Spacial Distortion Transportation device," She claims.

"First of all, what is the Hydrogen 3 engine? It is the combustion engine that uses Hydrogen gases in a steel and composite chamber. The fuel tank holds Hydrogen 3 and normal Hydrogen 2 gases. Then it is fed along one of several tubes into a fusion chamber to fuse.

The process is similar to what is in a nuclear engine. But the recycled hydrogen gases is fed back into the tank after separation. The separation is from the short period of pumping gases into different exhaust tubes by height after a cooling period. The hotter gases at the top is the hot Hydrogen and Helium gases. The Cooler gases from it is mostly Helium.

But other element may form and sink towards the bottom. Therefore a need of periodic shutdown and cleaning is need. This is the hard part. But thankfully the process of emptying the exhaust tubes and separation tank is by vacuum. Which then eases the cleaning by minutes.

Up next is the difference about the Microstar design. And it is the current engine of my ship. So read on readers."

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