The Ice monster

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The Ice monster is a creature whom controls the cold and the weather. Belonging to a race of "Snow Children."

Their existence is mutually beneficial to the large band of white, hairy monsters. They look like children. Implied by the nickname. However they are not, they are fully grown. They freeze victims for food. But, they have troubles.

The white, hairy apes are called Wendigos at times. But Wendigos aren't white haired or have a tendency to rely on snow to migrate. Properly, they are Хранители снега or Snow guardians. They are the brawn of the two. Even though they keep the "Snow Children" protected, they are the more forgiving of the two.

Together it is hard to fend them off. But that is what makes them great. They have adapted a symbiotic relationship to benefit each other. One feeding the other in order to be protected from the more hardy threats such as polar bears.

If you are lost, Хранители снега is the best hope. A lone member of them often leave you alone. Threatening them is a good way to get yourself killed. But treating in kindness, they are more likely to lure danger away.

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