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Mikasana is a Regional Spirit Guide from the Wattpad story, Death. She is a little slow in mental processes. And she is often the butt of many jokes by the other Guides. However she is the possessor many talents:

With an ability to be in living and dead forms, she breaks the rules of physical states. It is however unknown to most other Guides about this ability. This ability is on something of a higher Guide. Maybe that is why Death is choosing her.

Another ability is her strength. Her above levels of strength is understandable. But her feat to lift a truck into a comet... priceless. Death exploited her strength to avoid a disastrous outcome.

Using telephone lines as a means of transportation. This is a scary feat. Souls are known to get stuck inside and be heard by the living. But if a phone is left not hanged, the soul can return back. In her case, Tex did this.

She is also have a few weakness:

She tends to crave Hostess brand Twinkies. Yeah it is one of most idiotic things that I add. But it pushes her story forward. And she eventually gets to have one.

As said before, she is a little idiotic. But she is that way because of her rushed early training. Mikasana understood the essence of  of being the guide. Just not the execution of one. She has a short temper in dealing with some spirits. This interfere with her work.

Criers. Her is swayed by them. Crying people irritates her. And she'll help them if it make them stop crying.

She is an eater of Souls! In the Prelude, she ate an arm of a ghost. Scary to think what if she would do in a hunger state.

She never have an apprentice. And likely by her reputation, never will.

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