3: back in action!

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Seb's p.o.v.

Momma scar:
What can we do?
Are we going to tell Chris?

Winter bear 🐻:
Are you crazy?
He's just forgetting her

Iron grandpa 👴:
But he has the right to know this Sebastian
We can't keep this a secret!
What if he finds out?

Winter bear 🐻:
Then we act like we didn't know
Or we just say we did it to protect him

Momma scar:
Or he thinks we're worthless friends
for not telling him

Iron grandpa 👴:
I think we should tell him

Winter bear 🐻:

Momma scar:
Like Robert said
He has the right to know this

Winter bear 🐻:
But how is he going to react
when he hears this?

Iron grandpa 👴:
We can't have him run like a mad dog
Right to Mel

Winter bear 🐻:

Momma scar:
We need to find out more about Mel first
We know literally nothing
Just that she is here

Iron grandpa 👴:
You're right
We need a full investigation

Momma scar:
And later we tell Chris

Winter bear 🐻:
This is not what I wanted to happen...

Iron grandpa 👴:
Too late for that
We are his friends
We need to help him
Even if he doesn't know

Momma scar:
We're not going to fail in our mission
We are going to make things right again
And help Chris

Winter bear 🐻:
If you say so...

Iron grandpa 👴:
Let me get this started...

Mel's p.o.v.

"So, how was yesterday?" Dr. Geiselhaft asked me. I had called her after yesterday's events, actually Jennifer called her. She said I needed this.

"Good actually, I saw a spider and I didn't yell or run away from it." I said, trying not to talk about 'the subject' I hated to talk about. I know I should talk about it but my brain is saying 'no'.

"So nothing else happened?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. This woman, she already knows...

"It's complicated..." I said, not looking her into the eyes.

She sighed. "Mel, if you don't talk to me I can't help you." She said, scribbling something on her notepad.

"I try but it's so hard, can you understand that?"

"Of course I can Mel, but keeping everything for yourself isn't good." She said, a loving look in her eyes.

"But I talked to my friends, they count for something, don't they?" I said.

"Yes of course! And your lucky to have such friends. Thanks to them you made such a progress but I have to know it too."

"Something in me says you already know..." I said with a small smile.

"Ah, yes...like I already said, you have great friends and they care about you Mel. But I have to hear the story in your words." She stated, smiling slightly at me. It was a warm and reassuring smile, like you'd expect from a parent or something.

"Well ok, here we go. So after our session yesterday I went to get my lunch, like I normally do. There I bumped into someone who was very close to 'Bob'." I told her, my voice shaking a bit.

"And now your kind of panicking after seeing Bob's friend." Dr. Geiselhaft reasoned.

"Yes, but that's because he's here too, in the same country, same city." I said, my voice going to a higher pitch.

"So now you're afraid of encountering Bob."

"Yes!" I almost yelled.

"And what's the worst thing that can happen? From what you told me before I can only conclude that Bob was good to you. Except that one time you caught him kissing with someone else. Did you ever hear to his version of the story? Maybe it wasn't his fault?" Dr. Geiselhaft said, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Are you taking his side now? I taught you were here to support me!" I was yelling now but stopped immediately when I saw the look Dr. Geiselhaft was giving me.

"You are afraid of letting him in. You're afraid because you know he could be something you've been searching for. You're afraid of binding you because you don't want to loose him. And like I said before Mel, you have to face your fears..."

Robert's p.o.v.

"So Mel is here!" Jeremy practically yelled when I told him the news.

"Shut your mouth! You want the whole set to know it?" I whisper yelled to him.

"No, of course not. I'm sorry. So how the hell do you know this?" He asked, excitement all over his face.

"Seb told us, he bumped into her when he was getting lunch."

"Yes finally, we can end this story with a happy ever after!" He said with a smile.

"But first you have to do something. You need us to locate Mel." I said.

"Why me? Isn't there someone else who can do it?" He asked, confusion written on his face.

"You are the only one stupid enough to break his arm during stunts, so you can use your free time." I said shrugging. And of course he's the best in this sort of things but I would never say that out loud, certainly not to him.

"Ok, you convinced me. I'll find Mel for you guys. Now where did Sebastian see her?"

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