21: the pain

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Seb's p.o.v.

"I'm the godmother!" Scarlett screamed.

"And I'm godfather!" Robert screamed.

"Don't even think about it! I'm the godfather!" Jeremy screamed from the other side of the room.

"Fight me!" Robert glared at Jeremy.

"Come on guys! No need to start arguing about this. Chris and Mel will choose themselves. Believe me, they will make the right choice." I said, walking towards the coffee machine. Mental note to myself: find a good coffee place close by so I don't have to drink this anymore.

"You are right Seb, they are smart. They will choose me!" Jeremy said with a big smile.

"Just forget it Renner! They will choose me!" Robert said.

"Guys come on. If they are really smart they will choose me!" I said with a smirk. That triggered them enough... I could see that they wanted to shout something back but they were interrupted by Benedict and Elisabeth walking into the room.

"Guys, guys! What's going on? Why all the shouting and the angry faces?" Elisabeth asked.

"Mel is pregnant and we're debating on who's going to be godmother and godfather." Jeremy said before leaning close to Elisabeth. "I'm the godfather." Jeremy whispered but Robert heard it.

"You're not!" Robert shouted.

"Oh, come on guys. Is it really so special?" Benedict asked.

"Yes! I'm the godmother!" Elisabeth shouted.

"Oh no, you're not!" Scarlett replied.

Mel's p.o.v.

"Sooooo....that's a 'yes' about you moving in with me?" Chris asked with a big grin. We were still lying on his bed after I told him I was pregnant. And he's so happy about it. Why was I even thinking he would hate me?

"I don't know..." I said in a teasing voice.

"Oh, come!" Chris pouted. "I'll swear you won't regret..." he said in a low voice, making me weak.

"Oh, is that so mister Evans?"

"Yes." He said, slowly planting little kisses on my neck. "So, are you moving in with me?" He asks with a big grin, stopping his kissing attack on my neck.

"Of course." I said, mimicking his grin.

"Yes! Now, something else. When, is your next doctor appointment?" He asked, taking out his phone.

"Next week, why?"

"So I can come with you silly! I want to follow every step!" He said, giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

"You don't have to do this Chris. Aren't you busy filming or something?" I asked him, snatching his phone out of his hand.

"Hey, I will always make time for you! You know that, right?" He asked, hugging me.

"Of course I do."

"Good." He said with a smile. "Wait till the others find out..." oh my god! What will happen when they find out? They will follow every step I take. Aahhh, what will happen when Jason finds out!?

"Oh noooo...." I groaned but got interrupted by my phone ringing. It was an unknown number, strange. Never really happened before... maybe it's just someone who got the wrong number by accident or something? "Hello?" I asked, answering the phone.

"Good evening, is this Melissa Foster I'm speaking with?" A female voice asked from the other side of the phone. How does she know me?

"...yes..." I answered hesitantly. Chris mouthed 'who is it?' and I answered by shrugging my shoulders. I have no idea who this is.

"Hello, my name is Alice Grace and I'm a police officer. I'm sorry miss but I have some bad news for you. Your brother Harry Foster passed away this evening..." she was still talking but I wasn't listening anymore. It seemed like everything around me stopped. Chris noticed something was wrong, he took my phone out of my hand and started talking to it. But I couldn't hear anything, my brain stopped working.

Harry is dead.

My big brother is dead.

How is that even possible? One moment he just called me and the next I get a call stating that he died.  A million questions started passing through my mind. What's going to happen to Dylan? The poor child lost his father. I'll have to take care of him but how am I going to manage that?

In the meantime Chris had ended the phone call and put my phone down on the bedside table.

"Mel, are you alright?" He asks carefully but sighs immediately after saying it. "Of course you're not." He says, taking me into his arms and rubbing my back soothingly. And I let it all out. My life has changed so much in the past year. I fell in love, tried to run away from it, got pregnant and now I lost my brother...

Tell me this is a dream...a nightmare. In a few moments I will wake up and Harry will still be there. Harry will be...he will be...

A sharp pain in my stomach brought me back from my thoughts.

"Aaaahhhhh." I cried out. It was like a big needle was pushed inside me.


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