19: Mel, will you m...

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Seb's p.o.v.

"Harry, is Mel pregnant?" I asked him after he didn't answer the first time.

"What? Are you crazy?" He scoffed, for some reason I didn't believe him.

"Then why did you say 'certainly not'?" I asked him. He seemed more nervous than before which could only mean I was on the right way towards the truth.

"It's...it's just something people say...don't they?" He was definitely nervous...

"How long do you know?" I asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Harry said, not looking away from his laptop.

"Oh come on Harry!" I said angrily, closing his laptop and taking it away from him.

He sighed. "Mel found out last week when she was in hospital."

"How far is she?" I asked him.

"Now it has to be around 4 weeks..."

"And the father?" I asked, although I probably already knew the answer.

"Who do you think? Harry asked with a 'are you serious' look.

"And does he know?"

Harry sighed. "Not yet..."

"He has the right to know it." I said, sitting down next to Harry.

"Of course he has. Mel is just worried that Chris doesn't want children." Harry said.

"Chris loves children! He would die to have some of his own! Why does she think that?" I asked.

"I don't know..."

Mel's p.o.v.

Dinner was actually nice, I guess. We both made small talk, nothing special. Most of the time I let Chris ramble about his work. He's so passionate when he talks about it, you can clearly see that he loves his job.

Somehow Chris felt that something wasn't right but throughout the dinner he kept asking if I was alright. And I kept answering that was just tired, it wasn't a complete lie... I'm starting to doubt if Chris really wants children. I know there are the online articles that say he loves children but maybe that's just PR...

"I, uh... I got you something." Chris said after dinner. I must admit it was nice, he had cooked himself. I never knew he could cook too!? He is like a Dream package, all in. And then there's me...

"Chris... You didn't have to..."

He gave me a sheepish smile in return. "I know. But this is more a symbolic gift, I guess." He reached into his pocket, and I felt my heart stop when I noticed he pulled a jewelry box out of it. I relaxed a little when I realized it was too big to be a ring box, but I didn't entirely know how to feel, either. Did I want him to propose to me or not?

He slid the box over to me and gestured for me to open it. I unclasped it and lifted the lid. Inside was a gold necklace with an antique key as pendant. "Wow...it's...beautiful..." I said as I let my finger slide along the jagged edge of the key. It really was beautiful. It had this vintage feel to it that I loved immediately.

"Mel?" he asked, and I looked up again at the nervous note in his voice. "Will you move in with me?"

The question didn't register with me at first, so I just sat there, staring dumbly at his face. My finger was still sliding along the key's edge.

"Mel?" he asked when I still hadn't answered, seeming more nervous than ever before. "I'd get it if you don't want to move in with me. I mean, it would be a pretty big step in our relationship. I just thought that, maybe it would be better, you know so Harry has his house back..." he rambled. When I still didn't answer, he kept rambling. "But I get it you if don't want to do it, I mean it's a pretty big deal. And really, you can stop me anytime."

"I...I...I..." I tried to say something but I couldn't utter another word, I was still progressing all this. Did he really asked me to move in with him? Chris started rambling again.

"Ok, just forget it. I'm moving way too fast. I'm sorry Mel, it's just... just forget it."

"Chris, I....I'm..."

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