12: busted!

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Mel's p.o.v.

"Why is my pillow so hard?" I mumbled to myself, still half asleep and too tired to open my eyes. "And why is there an arm around me?" I added. I sighed, must be Jason again. He likes to sneak into my bedroom and cuddle with me, or maybe I would say liked because now he has Brendan to cuddle with... so why is he here?

"Jason, go to your own room." I said trying to shove him away but he didn't move at all.

"You know you're really cute when you do that." A familiar voice said. I could feel it rumble from underneath my pillow...wait...this isn't my pillow, is it? I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, greeted by a bright smile and dazzling blue eyes.

"Chris!" I gasped, trying to get up but he just pulled me down again.

"No...I like it more when your here." He pouted while pulling me into his chest. I felt my cheeks burning when I thought about what happened last night. Oh god...I...With...oh no. This is wrong, in so many ways. How could this even happen? And why did I even let this happen? Sneaking out isn't an option now, he's already awake. But somehow there was still a part of me that wanted to stay with him, I felt safe, protected. Just go with it Mel! My brain and heart were on the same line for once.

"You're overthinking this, aren't you?" Chris said stroking my hear, breaking my inner battle with myself.

"Chris...I..." I wanted to say something but for some reason I lost my voice.

"Talk to me Mel." He said, lifting me carefully so I was sitting on he lap. "Hey..." he said, slowly guiding my face so I was looking at him.

"Everything you said, everything you...did...you meant it?" I asked, barely a whisper.

"Of course I did, I really care about you Mel." He said looking deep into my eyes. "Are you...you know, regretting it?"

"No." I answered honestly. This was it, I made up my mind. It made him smile lightly and suddenly I felt the urge to kiss him again, to feel his hands all over me again, to feel him...

"Mel?" He asked concerned, putting his hand on my cheek. And that's when I kissed him again. It not like I was a really experienced kisser but I tried to put all my heart into it. And he kissed me back with the same passion and urge like last night.

"So are we like..." I asked shyly after breaking the kiss, avoiding his gaze.

"Are we what?" He asked with a smirk. He is playing with you!

"You know what I mean!" I said, hitting him on his rock hard chest.

He just chuckled, a sound that send sparks down my spine. "Only if you want to."

"I want to..." I said with a small smile before he attacked my lips with his again. His hands started touching every inch of my making me want him even more, closer. Before I knew it I felt something hard poking my inner thigh, without losing any time he slipped into again, making my whole body burn with pleasure and desire for more...

Seb's p.o.v.

"No Jason, I'm telling you I haven't seen Mel...or Chris." I said through my phone. It was afternoon and I had just done a scene with Tom, checking my phone I saw I had like 13 missed calls from Jason. So of course, I had to call him back.

"Have checked Chris' trailer yet?" Jason asked.

"No, he has no scenes until tonight so probably he is just sleeping or..." I cut myself of thinking of the other possibilities. Maybe he was still there with Mel? Would that mean that they? "I'll call you back later Jason, I have to investigate something..."

"Seb? Wait! I..." I hung up before he could say anything else. Oh, this is goo to be good...

Chris' p.o.v.

"Are you coming back home? To LA I mean?" I asked her, I had to ask. It's one of the questions that kept spooking around in my head. We were now fully dressed and we were eating something I put together.

She sighed. "I don't know..." she said. I could feel my heart fall.

"You...you don't know?"

"Jenn has a job here and a boyfriend. And Jason has Brendan! I can't just leave them Chris, they are the only real friends I ever had." She said with a sad face. I couldn't stand it so I grabbed her and placed her gently on my lap, hugging her tightly.

"We'll work things out, don't worry." She kissed me, this is a feeling I never want to end. She can kiss me all day, if she wants. I wouldn't mind. I felt myself going hard again, oh god...this girl is something different...

We both were shocked when the door of my trailer flew open, revealing Seb with a big grin on his face.

"Ha! Busted!" He yelled.

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