18: finding out the truth...

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Chris' p.o.v.

"So you think something's going on?" Scarlett asked before taking another bite of her salad. We were all having lunch at 'Downey town', that's how Robert likes to call it.

"I don't know, I just said she is acting different than usual." I replied to Scarlett.

"Good different or bad?" Jeremy asked, taking a big gulp from his water.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "She seems more distant ever since she came out of hospital." I explained.

"So you're just complaining that you're not getting any 'sexy time'?" Aaron asked with a smirk. I glared at him which made his smirk disappear.

"Not that Aaron. It's likes she's slowly pushing me away, again." I said with a sigh.

"Ok let me do some doom thinking." Jeremy said. "What if she got some bad news in hospital? Maybe they found out that she's slowly dying and now she's pushing you away before you get too attached..."

Robert quickly cut him off. "Shut up Renner! This isn't helping!"

"You got some other crazy theories?" Sebastian asked in an angry voice. "Oh, maybe Mel is pregnant and she's keeping it a secret?" Sebastian said sarcastically.

"Guys..." I said, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

"Ok, sorry Chris but there has to be a reason why she's acting differently!" Jeremy said, completely ignoring me.

"We're going to find out but no more doom thinking for now." Scarlett said.

"Guys..." I tried again.

"Ok, where do we start?" Aaron asked excited.

"I don't know, maybe you can find out more Robert? You know pull some strings?" Scarlett said.

"I don't know, maybe..."

"Guys!" I said in an annoyed voice. "I'm to find out myself. This is something between Mel and me, ok?"

"Oh, ok. We can do that, we'll keep out of this..." Robert said.


Mel's p.o.v.

Reading, constantly reading. That's what I've been doing recently. Harry kept me busy, giving me new information everyday. I wanted to know everything about a pregnancy, I now knew every stage there is. But I didn't know if I was ready for this, I can't be a mother now! And Chris surely isn't ready to be a father now, maybe he doesn't want to be one.

And I can't raise a child alone. Of course Harry would help me, and my friends...

There was also another option, an option I don't want to think about...abortion. Maybe that would be the best option, Chris wouldn't find out and...

A knock on my door brought back from my thoughts. "A minute." I said, quickly hiding everything I was reading and closing my laptop. When I opened the door I was greeting with a smiling Chris.

"Hey beautiful." He said, giving me a quick kiss on my lips. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just some reading." I answered him.

"About what?"

"Oh...some medical stuff." I quickly said. Why couldn't I just say a book or something? No, I had to almost say the truth.

"Medical stuff? Since when are interested in that?" He asked with a curious look.

"Oh...just...actually I don't really like it but once I start reading it I can't stop myself." I stammered.

"Ok, so I was thinking..." Chris started.

"You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" I asked with a grin.

"Very funny." He said with a serious face. "No, so I was thinking maybe you wanted to join me for dinner, at my place?" He asked with a small smile.

"Oh...I don't know..." I started but got quickly cut off by him.

"I'll make it a night to remember..." he whispered in my ear in a low voice, sending sparks through my body.

"Ok." My mouth said before my brain could answer. Why did I just agree.

"Great." He said, quickly kissing me on my lips. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?

Seb's p.o.v.

"So Harry..." I said with a wicked grin.

"So Sebastian..." Harry said from the other side of his kitchen counter.

"What's going on with Mel?" I asked. "Chris said she's acting differently lately, ever since she got out of the hospital." I explained.

"Nothing..." he said, he can't fool me.

"Is she dying?"

"What?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Ok, that's not it. What else could it be...

"She has cancer?"

"Are you drunk Sebastian?" Harry said, walking back to his couch while taking his laptop.

"No. So no dying and no cancer..." I said, more to myself. "Did they find out she has aids or something?"

"No! It's my sister you are talking about!" He said, getting all worked up.

"Ok, ok...she can't get children?"

"What?" Harry asked.

"You know infertility or how they call it?" I said.

"No!" He said. "Certainly not..." he said the last part more like a whisper but I still heard him.

"Certainly not? Is she pregnant?"

Just one chance [sequel to 'just one look'] [C. Evans fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now