13: everyone knows...

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Seb's p.o.v.

Momma scar:
No Jeremy I'm telling next
Time you want to prank us...

Yeah, yeah
I know...
No more flower

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
You can still find it in my trailer!!!
I've been cleaning for several days now!!

Sorry guys...
But it sounded so much fun at that time!

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
Yeah, yeah...

Winter bear 🐻:
I have some interesting news...

Iron grandpa 👴:
Interesting news?

Momma scar:
What is it Seb?

Winter bear 🐻:
I know something you guys don't know...

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
You have my full attention
Please proceed

This is something good
Isn't it?

Winter bear 🐻:
Oh, it's soooooo goooood!

Iron grandpa 👴:
Stop fooling with us winter plum
Say it!

Winter bear 🐻:
Well I know something about Chris and Mel

Momma scar:
You know what?

Winter bear 🐻:
Jason called me today
Asking if I had seen Mel
Apparently she hasn't come home yesterday day...

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
You don't think...
Do you?


Winter bear 🐻:
So I went to look in Chris' trailer...
And guess who I found there?

Iron grandpa 👴:
Oh, this is too good!!!

Momma scar:
Do you think they did...

Winter bear 🐻:
Of course I have no proof
But I have my suspicions

Well they could've watched Disney
movies the whole night

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
Or they could've played peekaboo...
On the dark

Iron grandpa 👴:
You're not messing with us Sebastian
Are you?

Momma scar:
I think he's serious Robert

Winter bear 🐻:
Of course I'm serious!

And we didn't notice anything?
How's that possible?
We have like eyes everywhere!

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
What happens in the trailer, stays in the trailer...

Iron grandpa 👴:
Well not with us around!

Winter bear 🐻:
I totally busted them when they were lip locked

Momma scar:
Strange how things can change so quickly

Normally every girl would jump to be with Chris

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
Apparently she isn't every girl

Angry green:
I missed something again
Didn't I?

Winter bear 🐻:
Always running late Mark

Iron grandpa 👴:
So guys now we may have another problem...

What problem

Iron grandpa 👴:
The 'location' problem...

Momma scar:
Maybe we should find a way
to work this out...

Winter bear 🐻:
Oh yeah
I completely forgot!

Didn't Mel sell her apartment in LA
or something?

Iron grandpa 👴:
She did...

Cucumberbitch 🙀:
I'm sure we can work this out

Winter bear 🐻:
I hope so...

Mel's p.o.v.

I slowly opened the front door of the apartment as I tried sneak inside. Normally nobody is home at this time of the day but you never know with these people. It's like they have spies everywhere...

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" Jason said in a stern voice, glaring at me with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Oh,...Jason! What are you doing here?" I asked with a fake smile. Oh no...why is he here? Shouldn't he be out or something?

"Don't ignore my question missy." He said in the same stern voice, still glaring.

"Just going to my room and rest a bit." I said not looking at his face. Why do I feel a teenager who got caught by her father after coming home way too late?

"Are you tired? It's like 3 pm Mel, why would you be tired?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Oh no, he knows doesn't he?

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired..."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm also very tired every time me and Brendan have a 'Disney movie night'." He said with a grin on his face. Oh, he knows...

"Seb, wasn't it?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p'. "Just know if he'll hurt you... And now you're going to tell me every detail and I mean every detail..." he said with a wicked grin.

"Jason!" I said, slapping his arm.

"Oh, come on Mel!" He pouted. "So you really did it...Happy?"

"I'm so not having this conversation with you!" I said storming of towards my room.

"Oh come on! Just answer one question, please?" He pleaded. Why is he so cute when he does it? How can I say no to that face?

"Ok, one question..." I said with a sigh.

"How big was he?" Which earned him a bedroom door right in his face!

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