15: cupcakes :)

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Mel's p.o.v.

'Ding dong'

"Harry, can you get the door? My hands are dirty." I said to my brother. I was making cupcakes for Dylan. He really loves them but Harry sucks at making them. Poor Dylan.

"Ok." He said in a monotone voice, standing up from behind his laptop. He was working again even though it was Sunday, how is it possible?

"Chris!" I heard Dylan yell from the front door. Chris? I quickly made my way to the front door, dropping everything I was doing. And there he stood, with Dylan in his arms. Really strange, they've only met like 2 times a,d still Dylan likes him. When he saw me his smile grew bigger. He carefully placed Dylan back on the ground and made his way towards me, initiating a hug but I stopped him.

"No, no! Dirty hands!" I warned him, showing my hands. He just smiled.

"I missed you Mel." He said, ignoring my previous statement and hugging me tightly. "I don't care about my shirt, you can make it dirty anytime you want." He whispered in my ear, making me blush.

"Oh...Well I missed you too." I said hugging him back, not caring about my hands.

"So what are you doing? Getting your hands dirty and all?" He asked.

"I'm just making cupcakes for Dylan." I explained, earning an immediately response from Dylan.

"Cupcakes!" He screamed, making Chris chuckle.

"Looks like I'm keeping you from your work...I better go." Chris said with a sad face.

"Oh nononono, you don't have to go! You can stay!" I started, probably sounding pathetic. Yeah, I missed him and for some reason I want him close now, any problem with that?

"I just have to drop some things home and I'll be back soon. I came here straight from the airport." He explained making me smile. "And I have to check on Dodger. Can I bring him with me later?" He asked, his question directed to Harry. It's his house after all.

"No problem." Harry said with a grin.

"I'll be back in like an hour. Safe me some cupcakes." Chris said before giving me a quick kiss on my lips. "And then we'll have some alone time." He whispered the last in my ear, his voice much deeper and darker than usual. With that turned around and with a last wave he was out the door.

"It's cute." Harry said with a grin, folding his arms in front of his chest and leaning against the wall.

"What?" I asked him.

"You and Chris together. It's cute. Just don't forget to use protection..." Harry said with a smirk.


"Why should aunt Mel use protection?" Dylan asked, confusion all over his face. Harry his face was white now.

"Yeah Harry, explain..." I said with a smirk. You brought this on yourself brother dear...

"She should use protection...so she won't hurt herself when she's playing with Chris." Harry lied smoothly.

"Oh, ok." Dylan shrugged and went back to his toys. Oh god, Harry is lucky.

"You know that you're a lucky man Harry." I said pointing my finger at him.

He shrugged. "I have to tell him someday. Maybe not now but some day. But I'm serious Mel, use protection." He said, the smirk returning on his face.

"Harry! Don't you have some work to do?!" I said, feeling my face heat up again.

"Ok, ok! I'm just saying..."

"Shut up so I can finish my cupcakes!" I snapped at him, making him laugh. Yeah, keep on laughing. Actually this wasn't bad, his smile has been absent lately. I quickly returned to my work, I just had to finish filling the cups with dough.

But suddenly I felt a little lightheaded. I don't know what happened after that exactly, I could hear Harry calling my name before everything went black.

Chris' p.o.v.

"So, when am I going to meet her?" Scott asked with a sly smile.

"Scott..." I started.

"Oh come on! I just want to meet her, see if she's worthy of my big brother." He said with a serious expression.

"Jesus Scott!"

"Normally I would've met her already, like your previous girlfriends. She's different, isn't it? This is different, you really like her!" My brother said with a bright smile.

"Maybe..." I said. Who am I lying to? Yes she's different! For some reason I can picture it perfectly, our future. And it scares me, I never felt this before. She gives me this feeling...

"Chris! Stop daydreaming and answer your phone!" Scott said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly took out my phone and saw an unknown number on my screen. "She misses you already?" Scott asked.

"No, unknown number. Probably some journalists or something." I said, declined the call and shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"How do they even get your number?" Scott asked.

"I don't know." I said with a sigh.

Seb's p.o.v.

Winter bear 🐻:
Harry just called!
Mel's in hospital!

Spider boy 🕷:

Iron grandpa 👴:
What happened???!!!!

Winter bear 🐻:
I don't know!
Harry called me because he couldn't reach Chris!

Momma scar:
Which hospital?

Winter bear 🐻:
The one closest to me
You know with the trees in front

Momma scar:
On my way!

Iron grandpa 👴:

Spider boy 🕷:
I'm already in a taxi!


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