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Ashton had spent the whole afternoon reading a book about psychology. He was trying to find the best way to talk to Luke, knowing he wouldn't get a second chance. Eventually, he had settled on summarising the book in a list of rules. 

It felt like a good idea, because he was very impatient. He was having a hard time not just pulling Luke into a hug and asking him about his darkest secrets. With rules he'd hopefully be able to contain himself. 

He entered the library, a content smile apparent on his face. His curls were even messier than usual, because he tends to ruffle his hair when he's concentrated.

The large bookcases seemed as intimidating as usual, so he tried to find the clerk. Since Ashton didn't really like reading, he didn't come here often. But instead of finding the grumpy middle aged man, who absolutely detested him, he spotted a blond. 

He already knew it was Luke. Luke had been appearing at the most random places, so it wasn't much of a surprise.

Time for the first rule:

Rule number 1: Be careful. 

Luke probably wouldn't expect him, son of the duke, to talk to him, so he had to be gentle. 

"Excuse me?" he asked, tapping the boy on the shoulder. He flashed him his brightest smile in a hopeless attempt to appear kind.

"S-sir Ashton."

Luke's eyes widened a little, but he quickly regained his posture.

"Could you help me out? I don't know where I got this book."

The boy replied on a hushed, emotionless tone. 

"I, erm, I actually can't read."

Ashton refused to let his smile fade. Of course Luke couldn't read, none of the servants could. 

"That's okay, I won't tell anyone."

Rule number 2: Ask simple yes/no questions. He can elaborate if he wants to. 

"You're Luke, right?"


"Do you come here often?"

"Not really."

Rule number 3: Fill up awkward silences with your own talking.

"Me neither. I don't really like reading, except for the Latin texts my teacher makes me translate sometimes. I quite like those. Would you like to learn how to read?"

"Yes, I think I do."

"It may seem hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy."

Actually, Ashton thought, I could teach you. I could take you to my teacher right now. Michael and Gabriel are still in the classroom, Michael's trying to decipher some medecin recipes. 

Rule number 4: Don't ask him to come and meet new people. He will say no.

"I could teach you sometime."


"No, I'm serious. Promise me you'll think about it."

"I promise."

Rule number 5: Don't leave when the conversation gets boring.

"I'll have to go now though, I'll see you later, Luke."

"Bye, sir."

After that, Ashton left, the book still in his hands. 

The conversation had been unbelievable frustrating, but he had to be patient. 



That's what the book said. Chapter 6 page 143

Ashton thought waiting was overrated. That's not how people worked, that's not how Luke worked. 

At least he hoped so.

Time was a horrible thing. Right now, Luke could be crumbling, a small piece of him dying with ever second that passed. For all Ashton knew, he could be gone by the morning.

Of course, he couldn't be sure. 

The only thing he knew was that Luke was alone, without a Michael or a Gabriel, and it was only a matter of time before he started feeling lonely. He could already be feeling lonely. 


It had always been one of Ashton's flaws. He simply didn't see the use in waiting, he didn't believe in the concept of tick-tock. He hated the feeling of being eaten away by passing minutes. 

That's why he decided a two day wait just wasn't his thing, he would do it without it. He knew he could. 

So he made his way to the servants' bedrooms. 

Luke came and went, seemingly never visiting the same place twice. But he had to sleep. 

Not wanting to barge right in, he peeped through the half open door. There were about thirty people, boys and men, in the room. Some of them were lucky enough to have a bed, others had to sleep on the floor. 

His gaze roamed around the room, looking for that particular blond. There was no sign of him though, just some grunting half-asleep guys. 

With a sigh, he moved to the next door. The door was cracked open and he had to squint his eyes to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside. 

Once again, he saw a bunch of sleepy men. But the boys in this room were up to something. 

About seven teenagers were huddled around a blond, who Ashton guessed was Luke. 

Rule number 5: Don't approach him with too many people. 

They seemed to be trying to talk to him, something he clearly didn't enjoy. His stare was just as cold as always, his lips pursed in a thin line.

A typical game of make the shy person talk. 

The tone they used made Ashton sick, as if Luke was some sort of animal, a pet, there only to entertain them. 

He was about to barge in, threaten them, tell them they would lose their job if they didn't stop right now, but Luke was faster. 

Without so much as a blink of an eye, he stood up, pushing passed them. He didn't say a word, he stayed as tight-lipped as he'd been the whole time. 

The boys laughed at him, clutching their stomachs and high-fiving each other. 

"Hey, come back."

One of them yelled. 

"We didn't mean to upset you."

Ashton could barely step away from the door fast enough to let Luke through. The boy didn't even spare him a glance, he just marched off into the darkness of the corridors. 


Ashton ran after him, trying the best he could to keep up with his quick pace. He doubted Luke had even heard him though, he just kept walking.

"It's me, Luke. Stop."

Once the boy recognised his voice, he abruptly came to a halt.

"S-sir Ashton."

He turned on his heels, finally facing Ashton, who sent him a quick nod, as if to confirm that it was him. He had come to talk to him again. Luke didn't bore him, he didn't entertain him either. He was just nice. That's all. 

And maybe a little pretty. 

But so was Louis Beauregard.

And Michael. 

And that cute servant with messy curls. 

But Ashton paid them no mind. 

"Where're you going?"

He asked, a smile forming on his lips at the sight of sleepy Luke. From this close, he could see the way he was fighting to keep his eyes open. 

"I wanted to sleep here."

Luke replied, his eyes casted downwards. Ashton scanned the corridor, it looked like all the other corridors to him, save for the alcove in the wall. 

It wasn't that unusual for servants to sleep in the corridors. Ashton hated his father for that. Why hire so many servants if you couldn't even offer them a decent place to sleep?

"I could find you a better place to sleep, somewhere warm. It gets awfully cold here at night."

"No, thank you."

Ashton hadn't really expected Luke to accept his offer, but he still sighed. 

"At least let me get you some blankets."

Luke nodded in response and Ashton grinned. He quickly took off to one of the smaller storage rooms. 

With two blankets tucked under his arm he walked back to the corridor with the alcove, only to find it empty. Luke had left. 

Luke, the tightlipped boy. 

Luke, the boy who came and went.


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