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Michael chatted softly with Ashton, letting his gaze roam the room. Luke was sitting next to Ashton, his head rested on his shoulder while he read a book. Calum was fast asleep in his bed, half laying in Michael’s lap. He let out a deep sigh and Calum’s locks moved a little, getting blown out of his face.


The boy had agreed to Ashton’s plan sooner than expected. As soon as the oldest had finished explaining, he started nodding vigorously.


“You have to do it,” he had said, his gaze shifting from person to person. Luke had asked him if he was sure, surprised that Calum was so enthusiastic about committing a murder. He himself hadn’t had any objections anymore after Ashton’s speech in the park.


“He won’t be able to hurt us anymore,” had been Calum’s response. It was the fear in his eyes that made Michael agree with the plan. In all other situations he would have refused, but he knew that the boy was still afraid and that he often lost sleep because of his fear.


So they were all in.


They were going to murder the duke.


Michael couldn’t help but smile at the sleeping boy on his lap, gently rubbing his cheek with his finger. He didn’t want anyone to hurt Calum, ever. He felt just as protective over him as Ashton did over Luke.


“Mikey,” Ashton’s voice brought him back to their conversation. His name tumbled off of his lips in a slow and unsure way and Michael ripped his eyes away from Calum, because he felt the need to protect Aston too. “Am I a bad person?”


Luke hadn’t heard the question, he was too engrossed in his book, so he fell over when Ashton stood up after Michael beckoned him.


“What’s happening?” the confused blond crawled back upright on his chair, looking slightly disappointed.


“Mashton cuddles. That’s what happening.” Michael declared, opening his arms so Ashton could rest his head on his neck. Because he didn’t move Calum off of his lap, Ashton had to sit next to him on the bed. Luke just nodded softly, slightly disappointed.


“Now listen to me, Ash,” Michael said when he was sure Luke was reading again, “this doesn’t make you a bad person-”


“Michael, I’m planning on murdering someone.”

“Let me finish,” he scowled, but there was worry laced in his voice. “You’re doing this for Luke and Calum, and all the other boys that our father could hurt. He won’t bother us anymore when he’s dead. You will become a better duke than he’s ever been and focus on feeding your people instead of on conquering more tribes.”


Michael was right, Ashton knew that. Hell, he’d been up all night repeating that very same excuse to himself in an attempt to soothe his conscience.


“We will be orphans, Mikey,” he whispered softly, sadness evident in his voice.

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