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Ashton and Luke roamed the castle at a strange, yet matched pace. They both knew how important it was to find Calum, but neither of them looked forward to actually finding him. Ashton was afraid it would trigger memories Luke had tried so hard to suppress and would make him panic. If that was the case, he'd be left with two petrified teenagers. The decision of who he'd have to leave behind while carrying away the other would be one that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 


Despite the possibility of getting spotted by servants, their hands were clasped tight. Neither of them cared about it at the moment, having worse things on their mind. 


"Luke, where did he usually take you?"


Though Ashton had been avoiding the question for a while now, he knew asking it was inevitable. He was sick of aimlessly wandering through the halls, knowing Calum was out there somewhere, and knew Luke was more likely to lead them away than to help them get any closer. 


"O-one of the chambers at the south side of the castle."


Luke's grip on Ashton's hand tightened a little but he, too, knew the information was necessary. 


"That can't be more than a few corridors away from my room."


The oldest boy realised with disgust, his stomach churning at the thought of the screams of teenagers muffled by the thick stone walls. Luke silently rubbed his back, having known this all along. If it weren't for Calum, he would have never told him.


Neither of the two boys could explain their sudden concern about Calum. It had taken more than just an order from Michael to get them to search for him. They had had to travel back in time and piece all their impressions of Calum together. They had had to think about everything without judging him. 


Calum calling Luke a whore. 


Calum beating Luke up. 


And lastly:


Calum begging Ashton not to take his bread away. 


As it turned out, they had barely seen Calum yet they had managed to form an idea of him. In their heads, they'd created some kind of monster, responsible for the bruises on Luke's skin, their hatred fuelled by one another's words. Never had they given a moment's thoughts to the bruises on Calum's skin. 


It all made sense now. But despite the words he regretted saying that were playing over and over again in his mind, slowly etching themselves in every inch of his body, letter by letter, Ashton knew he hadn't forgiven the boy yet. It wasn't in his nature and getting fucked by his father wasn't enough to change that.


"Do you want me to go alone?"


He stopped walking in the middle of the corridor and almost made Luke trip. They were approaching the south side of the castle. The reluctance in Luke's step hadn't gone unnoticed by Ashton.

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