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Yes, Ashton was sat in a room alone with Nicholas, asking him question after question, thinking more strategically than nice.


But he had a reason.


And that reason was Calum.


Ashton liked Rosalie and Nicholas, really, he loved them. But Nicholas had said something that set Calum off and Ashton was bound to find out.


So while Michael sat next to Calum’s bed watching him sleep (see, Ashton’s not the creepy sibling here) and Luke focussed on the book he was trying to decypher, Ashton asked Gabriel for some more time with Nicholas. Having known the boy for years, Gabriel didn’t miss the determined glint in his eyes that gave away that he wasn’t interested in playing football with the kid. But having known the boy for years, he knew that he could trust him, so he said yes and led the two of them to a vacant examination room.


But before you start doubting Ashton and his intentions, it may be a good idea to point out that the room was painted a bright green and that there was a tray of cookies on the table. For now, Nicholas and Ashton were simply chattering.


“Will you play with me outside again, Sir Ashton? When we can leave these rooms?”


Nicholas asked, his eyes widened due to his excitement.


“Of course! Didn’t Calum play with you before he got sick?”


Ashton smiled brightly, though his happiness was caused by the interesting turn in the conversation rather than Nicholas’s love for him.


“We used to play all the time when I was younger, I think. Before dad got sick. After that, Calum never had time for it again.”


“Once Calum’s better, the three of us can play together.”


Ashton said, attempting to cheer the boy up after he’d noticed the sadness in his voice when he mentioned his dad. Yes, it was the subject he was aiming for, but he thought it may be better to ease into it.


“Calum never gets better,” Nicholas shrugged, “‘at least not for long.”


“What do you mean? Give him another week and he’ll feel a lot better. Michael is a great doctor, but you already know that.”


Ashton didn’t understand Nicholas pessimism. He’d seen Luke get better and was convinced that Calum would get there too, given enough time and rest.


“But two weeks later he’ll feel awful again, most likely even worse than before.”


The easiness in Nicholas’s voice while discussing this made shivers run down Ashton’s spine. Nicholas loved Calum. He looked up to him. He cared for him. Why react like this to him being in pain?

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