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"Try to read these words."

Gabriel told Luke, pointing at a piece of paper where he had written down a bunch of words. 

"Authorbecauseeither and veins."

He nodded satisfied. They had been working on Michael's letter all morning so Luke would be able to read everything. Michael and Ashton were somewhere else, both doing their own thing somewhere in the castle. 

"Those were the last ones. Well done, Luke. You should be proud of yourself."

The blond beamed happily, flattered by Gabriel's words. If there was one thing he had learned about the man, it was that he was almost honest. He wouldn't compliment him if he didn't deserve it.

"I would like to discuss your beliefs now, if you're up for it."

Luke nodded, shifting a little in his seat. He didn't mind talking about it, but he was a little afraid of saying things that would upset Ashton. 

"Do you think homosexuality is wrong?"

Gabriel dived right into it. He knew the boy could handle it. He wanted an honest opinion, not something he made up because it would please the others.

"I think so. That's what the Bible says."

"So you dislike homosexuals?"

"I guess."

"Because that's what the Bible says."

Luke nodded in agreement.

"But doesn't the Bible also say that God loves all? Then why wouldn't he love the homosexuals?"

Gabriel wasn't trying to change Luke. He just wanted him to think about it, to consider all beliefs before holding on to one. It was to be expected that Luke held on to his religion after all he had been through. But Gabriel could easily change that if he wanted to. He could pull the why would God do this to you card. He would never do that though. He didn't mind Luke believing in God as long as it didn't hurt him or affect his love for Ashton. 

"I don't know."

Luke muttered, a little ashamed that he had never thought about it. He judged a group of people without thinking twice about it.

"Do you believe in love?"

He perked up after that, it was an easy question.

"Yes, I do."

Even after all the cruel people he had met, he still believed in love. How could he not? There was something about the way Ashton, Michael and Gabriel treated him that convinced him love was real.

"Can you accept that I love you? As a friend. I'm very fond of you, Luke. I care about you and so do Michael and Ashton. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah I do. I feel the same about you, to be honest. Thank you for having  this much patience with me, Gabriel."

The older man waved it off. Teaching people things was his job after all, even if teaching Luke wasn't exactly a part of it.

"Do you love us all in the same way?"

Luke thought about that for a moment. Of course he didn't. He just needed a right way to express it. But he couldn't find a way to do it.

"No, I don't."

Gabriel, who had expected this reply and Luke's inability to put his feelings into words, had his own answer.

"Is it possible that you love Michael because he was the first to notice you? He fed you, he healed you, he makes you feel alright."

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