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Even though Ashton did well studying on his own, Gabriel thought it was time for him to get some classes too. He was his student after all, not Luke.

"What are we going to do today?"

The teenager asked, sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hands and looking up at his teacher.

"Mathematics. We both know you still need guidance with that. But that's not the only thing I'd like to discuss. I've noticed you need some help with Luke too."

Gabriel said slowly, careful not to offend Ashton. It wasn't his intention to make it seem like he couldn't handle his boyfriend, that's not what this was about. Both Luke and Ashton were complicated people and Luke had a history they couldn't just ignore. Judging by the boy's sigh, he had come to the same conclusion.

"I don't know how to treat him, to be honest. One minute he demands independence and the next he's clinging to my side, afraid of who knows what."

He explained and shrugged to emphasize his words. Despite all the books he'd read about psychology, he didn't know what to do.

"You have one thing in your advantage, a thing that'll make it hard for him to ever let you go: he trusts you. In an environment like the one Luke grew up in, you can't trust people or get attached to them. Ever. I'm afraid he learnt that the hard way."

"This morning while he was praying, he was muttering things and apologizing. I don't think his words were directed at god."

Ashton chimed in with a worried look on his face.

"You think he was talking to that woman? He mustn't have moved on properly yet."

Gabriel agreed. He hadn't really expected him to either. Especially not after the way he had apparently been thrown out of the house. No time for mourning, he had had to go back to begging for food and protecting himself.

"So I can't betray his trust. It'll kill him if I do. I'm not exactly planning on doing that though. I don't want to see him hurt ever again."

Ashton shivered at the memory of Luke crying in his arms. Although he definitely enjoyed their proximity, he hated to see his boy sad.

"I'm afraid there's no way of avoiding that. There're still a lot of unsolved problems. Besides yours, he apparently caught other people's attention too."

"I won't let them get to him though. He's under my protection now."

The teenager scowled, his muscles already flexing. From the moment he'd spotted Luke, he'd felt a need to protect him for all dangers even though he knew that wasn't possible.

"You can try your best to do that, but the most important thing is not hurting him yourself. He'll be alright, as long as you're there to comfort him.  He's very strong, he just needs something to hold on to."

"I still don't know how to treat him though. I don't want to fight with him, or worse, scare him, but he can be so frustrating sometimes."

Ashton sighed, ashamed of the fights he'd had with Luke. Luke forced him to be patient and he'd never been good at that. He himself forced Luke to try new things and to love and to trust. That probably wasn't easy for him either.

"The problem is that you don't see his outbursts coming. As soon as you see them coming, you'll be able to deal  with them and maybe even prevent them."

Gabriel explained, surprising Ashton with his extended knowledge about his boyfriend. Maybe the man was right and learning someone how to read really did teach you a lot about them. Ashton wouldn't know seeing as he was fucking banned from the classroom when Luke was learning. He still wasn't over that.  

"Do you see them coming then?"

He asked, wondering why the hell he hadn't warned him.

"I know how to, but I can't use the technique because you spend more time with him."

Gabriel said with a sigh. He had only witnessed Luke being upset once, but according to Michael and Ashton it was a heartbreaking sight. Luckily, the boy had never felt the need to start crying during his lessons. (Gabriel knew some people who did.)

"The thing with Luke is that he keeps swallowing everything. He just keeps nodding and agreeing even if he's not okay with things. In the end, everything keeps building up inside until he can't handle it any longer. That's when he freaks out. And to you, it seems like he's making a fuss about one little thing, but it's actually a build-up of a lot of things."

Ashton buried his face in his hands, taking a moment to let it all sink in. It made sense to him, it really did. He just wished he'd realised it all sooner. Maybe he'd be able to avoid fights now.

A smile took over his features when his mind travelled to the young boy, who was off on his own now. Knowing him, he'd probably be cuddled somewhere with a book on his lap.


Even though Ashton had told him he was free to go wherever he wanted, Luke didn't feel comfortable roaming the castle's corridors. If he thought it wasn't safe, then who was Luke to disagree? So he was going to go to his room to read one of the books Michael had given him.

While walking, he kept his head down. He transformed back into the boy he had been weeks prior with his arms wrapped safely around himself in a self-hugging manner. It was a habit he'd picked up as a kid and had never really gotten rid of.

His mind went insane when he passed room after room, his stomach still churned at the thought of what had happened.

Two kisses, if you could even call it that. And he'd slept in bed with the man he loved. He spent all his energy trying to convince himself that that was okay.

Because God wanted him to be happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to b-


His head snapped up at the sound of his name echoing through the corridor he had deemed empty. He had been too caught up in his thoughts to notice the man approaching him.

"My lord."

He greeted, his gaze searching the familiar tiles once again. If there was one person he didn't want to see it had to be the duke.

"Look up, boy."

Tomas growled, using his hand to force Luke to look him in the eyes. He would be lying if he claimed that he didn't like the way the blond trembled under his touch. It was one of the many reasons why he preferred him, he was unable to hide his fear. He was besotted with the way his deep blue eyes filled with tears, making them look like they were made out if glass.

"Let's go, shall we?"

He said and he let go of Luke's chin to turn around.

"I can't, my lord."

"Excuse me?"

Never before had Luke, or anyone for that matter rejected him. They all knew they couldn't refuse him, they had known it from the start.

He turned around, looking down at the boy with an annoyed expression.

"I'm un-unable to p-please you at this very moment, my lord."

Luke explained, his voice breaking mid-sentence. He hoped the duke wouldn't force him to come with him, he had promised Ashton and Michael that he would tell them first. Everything was in Tomas's hands now, he could make Luke do whatever he wanted. He held his breath, silently awaiting his response.

"I suppose I could wait until tonight."

Luke sighed in relief as the tension left his body. All he could think of was wanting to run back to Ashton and make him promise he'd protect him. He wanted his arms wrapped around him and the feeling of him breathing on the sensitive skin of his neck.

"But I want a kiss before you leave."

Tomas said with a hint of teasing in his voice. He was playing Luke and they both knew it. The boy couldn't risk rejecting him a second time, so he silently obeyed and took a step closer. The duke wasted no time and immediately wrapped his arms around him, pressing him even closer so their bodies were touching. The curve of his body felt so different from Ashton's it made his stomach clench. He could feel the fat left by too much beer and wine and couldn't be more disgusted. Tomas closed his eyes and leaned in too fast for Luke to cower away. He felt the touch of his lips and froze.

The duke wasn't in the mood for a loving kiss, he'd given up on those when his wife died. Now all that drove him was lust.

He started moving, hurriedly licking Luke's bottom lip to make him grant entrance. The man hated teasing, even when it came from Luke. But the blond didn't open his lips, he didn't even move. He just stood there, uncooperative like the dolls of the servant's daughters. That was one of the reasons he preferred boys, he would never be stuck with a bastard again.

"Open your mouth." He growled against his lips. "Goddammit, Luke."

The boy obeyed reluctantly, something the duke wasn't used to. Nobody, especially not Luke every hesitated to fullfill his wishes. Now all of a sudden his favourite started refusing and holding back. To make up for the postponement he forced his tongue in his mouth, shoving it down Luke's throat in the process. The blond, who was almost choking, tried his best to not let his disgust show. He'd never liked doing this, but now just a kiss, a simple kiss, was making his head spin. In a bad way.

Tomas's hands travelled downwards, grabbing him tightly to make him open his mouth more and move his lips. His eyes widened and he quickly obeyed, wanting nothing but the get his greedy hands off of him. He moved his lips in sync with the man in front of him, lifting his hands up to nestle one in his dark, scraggly hair and to lay the other on his scruffy chin. Tomas hummed contently, glad that his favourite was remembering how things worked again. He didn't want to pull back, but he had to, Luke was running out of breath.

"You're free to go now."

The duke said, unfazed by the kiss. Luke, on the other hand, was panting and swinging on his feet. He waited until the man had disappeared behind the corner, before childishly rubbing his lips with the back of his hand. Tomas tasted of wine and things that had been rotting in his mouth for too long. Although he hadn't kissed Ashton like that before, he knew the brunette tasted better. Even the quickest touch of lips proved that.

Once he realised he wouldn't get the taste out of his mouth, he ran away, only to come to a halt after three steps.

Where would he go?

He didn't want to interrupt Gabriel's lessons. He'd been monopolising the man for more than a week.  The next option, and last option (come to think of it, Luke didn't have a lot of friends) was Michael. He bolted to his room, knowing he would be able to calm him down. But when he arrived at his room, he found it empty. With only one possible destination left, he ran to his check up room. Too flustered to remember his manners and knock, he burst through the door.

Michael sat on the bed with a worried look on his face. Next to him sat Calum, crying his eyes out. When he noticed the boy's rather rude interruption, he looked up.

"I'm sorry, Luke, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a moment."




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