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The next morning, Ashton found himself in bed again, alone this time, fully aware that he was missing worship. Maybe he just really didn't want to go. 

He decided to wait until the worship was over to head over to the chapel. He hoped no one would question his attendance or lack of it, because he didn't have an excuse. He didn't have a good explanation as to why he had missed worship that morning, why he was at the chapel now it had ended or why he went to this chapel instead of his private chapel in the first place. 

So when Ashton finally made his way out of his room, dressed in fresh clothes and his hair nicely combed, he tried his best to lay low. 

He had genuinely enjoyed reading the fables to Luke and hoped Luke had too. He didn't want to miss out on that today, he liked spending time with someone who wasn't Michael or Gabriel. 

There were very few people at the chapel when he arrived, making it easy for him to spot Luke. What made it even easier was the boy who was hunched over him, clearly bothering him. Ashton couldn't understand the words the dark-skinned boy was saying, but judging by Luke's hands it wasn't anything too nice. 

"Excuse me."

Ashton said, causing the two boys to jump up. Luke had a look on his face that Ashton -and probably no one else- could define as relief while the other guy's looked like one of pure terror. 

"What's going on here?"

He asked, his tone as stern as his father's usually was. The boy's eyes widened even more and he tried to explain himself in a bunch of stutters. 

"I was trying to make sure he did his job, sir."

He replied, too afraid to meet Ashton's eyes. 

"I'll make sure of that. Now leave."

The boy scurried away, muttering something barely audible. Judging by the way Luke's hands picked up their torturing again, he seemed to be the only who understood it. 

"Luke, go to the kitchen to get me some pastries. Bring them to the pantry."

Ashton ordered, without letting his voice soften. He then took off too, leaving Luke behind in distress. 

Luke hurried to one of the kitchens, grabbed a plate full of pastries and went to the pantry, where Ashton was awaiting him with a huge smile.

"There you go, sir."

Luke whispered while bowing, the plate nicely presented in his hands. Ashton's smile dropped though.

"Luke, I was only kidding. You don't have to serve me, you're my friend. I can call you that, right? Please, let me call you my friend. I just had the find a way to convince that boy that you were doing your job."

Ashton explained, both panick and sadness apparent in his voice. It seemed of no avail though, Luke didn't relax. He just stood there in his crammed position, curled up with his eyes pointed at the dirty floor. 

"Please, Luke. What can I do to make you believe me?"

The eldest boy begged, desperate to find a solution. They'd gotten so far, he didn't want to give up now. 

"Can I hug you?"

It may not seem like much, but it was. Servants didn't hug the elite. In his whole life, Ashton had never hugged a servant before, not even as a kid. The only exception was Gabriel, but he had never considered him a servant. 

Luke didn't say anything, he just nodded softly. So Ashton took his chances. 

He slowly approached him, unwrapping Luke's arms from his chest and replacing them with his own. He hugged him the way he hugged Michael and Gabriel, though it still  felt different.

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