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Michael and Ashton exchanged a look, shocked by the series of events. Calum was dry heaving into a bowl Michael had given him, tears still streaming down his face, and somewhere in a corner Luke was a sobbing mess, curling up into ball.

“C'mon Lukey, why don't we go to our room for a moment? Ashton suggested with a weak smile. It wasn't very convincing due to the unmistakable tremble in his voice.

He thought it might be better to separate the two for a moment, so both he and Michael could focus on comforting one of them.

“No Ashton, your eye.”

Luke's shaky hand reached for his bruised eye, freezing mid-air so it was less than an inch away from Ashton's skin He seemed afraid to touch it, all too familiar with the pain himself.

“It's okay, love. It doesn't hurt much. Besides, Michael should take care of Calum now, Lukey.”

That silenced his boyfriend, but he was obviously still worried.

“Don't worry about that Ashton, it won't take long.”

Michael attempted to smile, but he was too shaken up to succeed. He ended up simply curling his lip a little, his eyes still just as dull.

He slowly untangled himself from Calum, drawing the teenager 's attention. His eyes widened a little at the loss of contact, it retrieved him from his thoughts. He'd paid no mind to the conversation before, too caught up in trying not to throw up.

Michael opened one of the cupboards to find Ashton some cream. Unfortunately, both Calum and Luke were familiar with it. They winced, just like the boy himself, when Michael touched the bruise to apply the cream, reliving the pain themselves

He was right, it really didn't take long. Before Calum could grasp what happened, they were the only two in the room. Michael sighed and took a seat on the bed.

“You know that I'll do everything I can to keep you safe, right?”

He croaked, trying his best to bite back the tears. He couldn't cry in front of Calum, not if he wanted him to keep believing that he was safe. Truth was, he would never be safe. Not in the castle. Not if he was still around. Their door was only so thick. It didn't take much to break it open.

Calum nodded, the tears still rolling down his cheeks effortlessly.

“Please just cuddle with me.”

The sadness in his voice made a sigh escape Michael's lips. He didn't hesitate before slipping under the covers, this situation oh so familiar by now. His touch calmed Calum down, it seemed. And if it helped Calum, he would do it.

“No,” the boy whimpered when Michael wrapped an arm around him so he could rest his head on his chest. It was their usual cuddle position, as close as they could be with as little pain as possible. But now Calum was scared and he was hurt and he was crying and he needed Michael so much closer.

“Will you spoon me?”


“I'm begging you, Michael. Please.”

Michael bit his lip, disgusted by the words that left Calum's mouth. “No begging, alright?” It reminded him of things he'd rather not think about. There would not come another day where Calum had to beg for things if it was up to him.

“I'm just afraid to hurt you.”

Cuddling hurt. There was no way around it. Touching hurt. But Calum craved touches and soft whispers that caressed his skin oh so gently. When they cuddled like they usually did, the pain was minimal.

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