[thanks for all the comments on the last chapter!]

Luke hated fights, but for some reason, they seemed inevitable. There was always someone fighting in his life, someone yelling and getting angry. He loathed it.

Only there were two differences now.

The first being cuddled up against Michael's chest, soothed by his heartbeat. The older lad had wrapped an arm around him and held him tighter every time to screaming got louder.

The second difference was the fact that they were fighting over him. All his life, people had been wanting to get rid of him. Now these people wanted the exact opposite.

"He's mine."

Ashton yelled in the room next to them, causing Luke to hide deeper into Michael's chest. His shirt had already been stained by the tears that streamed down his cheeks.

"I had him first."

The duke snapped, his voice cold and angry. He didn't understand why his son had taken an interest in the blond. He was his favourite. There were so many other boys in the castle.

"That doesn't matter in situations like this. We both want him for different reasons."

He'd been shocked at first when Ashton brought up the subject after demanding to talk to him. His son wasn't even supposed to know.

"And what makes your reasons more important than mine?"

This caught Ashton off guard. Soon his mouth was overflowing with words, his courage fuelled by rage. His blood was racing through his veins, pumping the adrenaline all over his body. He had to clench his hands to fists to control himself.

"I love him. All you want to so is fuck him."

Luke flinched when he heard that. Although he was flattered by the first part, the second part brought back memories of nights full of desperation and pain. He never wanted to feel like that again.

"You're disgusting."

His father hissed.

"I'd have you burned at the stake if you weren't my only son."

Out of all three boys who heard those words, Ashton seemed the least hurt. He was blinded by anger and utter revulsion.

"Too fucking bad. I am the heir. The next duke. So get over it."

"Why do you think you're still in this room, huh?"

His father spat, unfazed by his son's tone. He could care less about his opinion.

"Just give Luke up, okay? You get Calum, I get him, and we'll continue our lives as if this never happened."

Luke crossed his fingers without realizing it. Only now it dawned upon him how much he really wanted this, to be Ashton's and Ashton's only.

"No, I'm not letting him go."

Tomas argued, slamming his fist on the table.

It was obvious where Ashton had gotten his short temper.

"What's the difference? Calum's pretty too and he's more eager than Luke."

Luke knew Ashton was going to regret asking that.

"He's better in bed. He might not like it, but I definitely do. I'm tired of Calum."

The duke leaned closer to his son so his lips were only inches away from his ear and whispered:

inevitable entanglements » a.i. + l.h.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora