Chapter 4

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My mind got lost in a flash back when we were all in high school.

*flash back*

I was leaning against my locker and talking to Cameron, and Jacob. We were talking about our crushes.

"I like Mia she's like very hot." cam said.

"I always like Rosmeri." Jacob said.

"I like Ashley but she's with that dick Nathan." I said.

As I was getting my books ready for class I saw Ashley and Nathan talking. I looked closely at Ashley's arm and there was a purple bruise. I glared her way and she flipped me off as Nathan and Ashley walked away. It pisses me off seeing them together.

*end of flashback*

"Let's just see what happens im not going to talk to Nathan and Jake. Bentley will watch her." I said.

"But you took his phone away." Tucker said.

"They will be ok if Bentley is around her he will protect her." Ashley said.

Tucker went upstairs to his room. I grabbed Bentley and Rachael's phone's and walked upstairs to my room. Ashley followed behind me. I put their phone's in my desk drawer. I sat on the bed and just tried to clam my anger down more. Ashley walked up and she hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her hips. She pushed me back and she hovered over me. She laid her head on my chest and we just stopped worrying about things and relaxed. Ashley put her face in my neck and kissed it twice just like the very first time when we were at Nash and Hayes house. I smile at the thought of it. I flipped us over so im on top.

"Shawn what are you doing?" Ashley whispered.

I didn't say anything, I just kissed her soft lips. I was about to take her shirt off when she stopped me. I look at her waiting for her to tell me whats wrong.

"Shawn the kids are here. We can't."

"Oh yeah right."

"Maybe some other time ok babe."

"Yeah that would be ok."

"Mom! Can me and the boys go spend the night with nanny and papa?( Karen and manny).

Ashley looked at me and I nodded.

"Yes!" Ashley yelled back.

"Tucker your driving. Do not mess up my jeep or you will pay for a new one." I said throwing him the keys to my car.

They went out the front door and I looked at Ashley. She smiled and ran downstairs with me following. I wrapped my arms around her and she screamed and laughed. I picked her up and she told me to wait a second. She walked to the kitchen and got some water. She walked upstairs and into Tucker's room while I went in our room.

*Ashley's pov*

I looked to see if Destiny texted Tucker back but I didn't see nothing.

I walked back to my room and saw a text on my phone. It read.

Unknown: hey I need to talk to you ASAP. This is Nathan btw. Meet me out front.

How did he get my number?

"Shawn come with me. Nathan wants to talk to us." I said.

We walked outside to see Nathan standing there.

"What the hell do you want Nathan!" Shawn yelled.

"I wanted to say my son wants your daughter's hand in marriage."

"Hell fucking no. My daughter is not marrying your son after what he did to her. Especially what you did to me. She will not go through what I had to go through. Especially what you did to Shawn is not happening to my daughter. My daughter will break up with your son and if he lay's one hand on her again ill kill him and you. You don't want that to happen like that time Shawn kicked your ass because he loved me. Tell your son if he touches my daughter again I will be coming after him and most definitively you."

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