chapter 6

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Guess who was there? Logan was. I rolled my eyes and walked faster to my car.

"What do you want?" I snapped.


"Fuck off Logan." I said getting in my car.

"Destiny I want to be with you."

"Oh so you can use me, rape me, cheat. Yeah didn't think so. Now I'm going home and leave me alone." I explained and drove off.

I hate that guy now. I mean he's hot and all but I like Tucker. Oh my god I like Tucker. As soon as I got home I packed up my stuff. My friends came with their stuff to take too. We all gathered around my computer and I texted Tucker.

Me: hey Tucker lover😂

Tucker: what the hell? Why did you call me Tucker lover?😂

Me: Idk

Tucker: ill brb.

Me: oh ok.

Tucker: hey this is Bentley.

Me: hey your Tucker's brother .

Tucker: yeah I am.

Me: that's cool.

Tucker: hey beautiful im back.

Me: hey Tucker.

Tucker: so that Logan guy has been texting me all day.

Me: what did he say?

Tucker: he has been asking me questions about us all day long so I blocked him. He has been blowing up my phone all fucking day.

Me: I'm sorry about him.

Tucker: it's ok. I'm going to go eat dinner now ok I will ttyl.

Me: ok byee.

I close my laptop. The girls and I decided to go shopping. We went to the mall to look around.

"Let's go to Victoria secret." Madison said.

We went in there. We looked around and Madison came up to me with a purple bra and a purple thong.

"Here if you don't get this for yourself ill get it for you." Madison said.

"No I hate thongs. You know I do." I whined.

"Fine I'm getting it for you."

"Ok fine ill buy it but you get me food." I said.

We looked around some more in Victoria secret and then went to forever 21. I looked around and saw a cute outfit. (Picture up top)
I bought it and we were about to leave to go home when I saw Logan walking our way.

"What do you want Logan!" I yelled annoyed.

"Ok fine I believe you and Tucker are dating but since your here and not in Canada. We should hang out. Just cheat on him." Logan asked.

"No I'm not a cheater and stay the fuck away from me." I said as we walked away.

"This isn't over!" Logan yelled.

We went to my house and got ready for bed because we are getting up at three in the morning.

*3:00 AM*

I woke up to my stupid alarm clock. We get up and ate breakfast. We get our stuff ready to go. We put our suit cases in the back and got in for the ride.

"Only 20 hours to drive and we will be there." My dad said.

We all went to sleep it's been a long ride so far. My mom is driving now.

True Love Lasts Forever~Shawn Mendes (book 3; next book after TSB)Where stories live. Discover now