Chapter 9

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*Destiny's pov*

I was in my room with my friends but I didn't tell them what happened. I just lost my virginity to Tucker. We are all about to go to the party house with our parents so I get to see him again. I was on my phone and we went back to the party house. I bumped into someone so I looked up from my phone to see Darcy.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want Tucker and I won't stop until I get him so back off."

"You can't tell me what to do."

Tucker walked up to me and he didn't have his hickeys covered up. Darcy looked at his neck and saw them. Her mouth dropped open and Darcy's mom walked up to us. She smiled at us and she looked at Tucker's neck and spoke up.

"It looks better than I thought. Destiny, hun you did good. Keep it up."

"Mom I did it. I made them. Tucker is mine not hers." Darcy said.

"Yeah right Darcy, stop bothering the couple just because your jealous sweetie. We'll find you someone else." Harry said.

"Harry she's just like you she wants what she wants when it comes to crushes."

"Well Darcy give up their already together."

"Hell no I'm not going to stop until I get him!" Darcy screamed.

"Bye guys we have to go. Darcy get you ass in your room when we get home." MaKayla said.

I smiled at Darcy and she glared at me. I walked around holding Tucker's hand. We walked to my friends and we stood their listening to their conversation. Kate smiled at me and whisper something in Madison ear. Madison walked up to me and whispered.

"Getting handsie with Tucker I see." I glared at her and rolled my eyes.

"Madison shut up." I whisper.

I walked to the food and ate some watermelon. After I was done. I ate some ice cream and one pickle. I looked at my mom and she smiled at me. I smile back. I started feeling sick I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I lean over the toilet and put my hair up. I then let every thing out of my body. I clean my face up and flushed the toilet, washed my hands and walked out. Ashley looked up at me and walked to me.

"Hey Destiny you didn't tell your dad did you?"

"No I don't want my dad to get mad it was my idea."

"I'm not mad but as long as you used protection then your good but sometimes condoms ripe. Yeah That's how Tucker came into the world but Shawn and I never regretted having Tucker in our life. My dad back in the day he didn't like the idea of letting me do what I wanted. I was 19 years old. I wasn't in school I had a job for acting. Shawn had his singing career. When I told my dad I was pregnant with Tucker he kicked me out. Shawn and his family, my sister, and my mom was the only people that helped me. I never got to see my brother until my webbing day and he has been there for me and my sister since then. My brother is 8 years older then me." Ashley said almost in tears.

I pulled her into a hug and I cried just a little bit because I never knew any of her past.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Mendes." I said.

"It's ok and please call me Ashley." I nod.

"You better get to Tucker." she said.

I nod and walked to him.

"Baby are you ok?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah your mom just shared at sad and nice story with me about her past when she had you."

"Oh yeah my mom tells people she trusts." I nod.

Soon the get together was over and once I got home I felt sick again. I ran to the bathroom again let everything out of my body. I felt horrible so I laid down.

*A week later*
*Madison's pov*

Destiny has been sick for a whole week now and she's getting worried. She missed a period and she thinks she's pregnant because she told us she did lose her virginity with Tucker. I had to keep her parents from knowing she was worried. Destiny is only 17 years old but she's scared. She never took a pregnancy test yet.

"Hey Destiny why don't you take a pregnancy test?"

"Can you get it for me?"


"Ill be at the party house." Destiny said.

I nod and walk out. I'm getting Edward to take me so I can get it for her.

*Destiny's pov*

I was so scared I walked into the party house and sat on the couch. What will my dad say? What will Tucker say? Tucker's parents? I can't stop worrying but I need to stop just in case I am pregnant. I saw Tucker coming here so I run upstairs and hide in the closet in Ashley's old room. Tucker came in the room at sat down on the bed. Then I heard the door open downstairs. Tucker got up and went to the doorway.

"Oh it's just you Madison. I thought you were someone else." Tucker said.

Shit she's here.

"Oh hey Tucker I was waiting for Destiny to get here." she said.

"Well she's not here."

I got up and opened the closet door. Tucker looked back and saw me.

"Never mind she is here."

I walked past Tucker and walked to Madison. I grabbed the box and walked to the bathroom.

"Wait is that what I think it is?" Tucker asked from the stairs.

"Tucker you need to relax because she's been worrying about this the whole week." Madison said.

I took the test and waited for a while to look at it. I walk to it and picked it up. It said positive. I put my hand up to my mouth and started crying. I sat down and cried a bit. I got back up and washed my face. I took the test and walked into the living room. Tucker looked at me and I looked down at the test. Tucker walked to me and put his hand on the test. I let go of it as Tucker looked at it. I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Baby it's ok. I know were young but I'm not letting you down on this. I'm going to be there for you and take care of you. I'm glad to be the dad of your child and 'There's Nothing Holding Me Back' from that." Tucker explained.

"But my dad Tucker." I said.

"He can beat me up if he wants to. We have to tell them sometime before you start to show." Tucker said.

I smiled at him and kissed him.

"He has beaten my ex boyfriend from trying to rape me once so be careful. My dad has great skills Tucker lover." I said with a small laugh.

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