chapter 19

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Shawn and I ate breakfast and I decided to go take a ride around Canada with Shawn. We walked out of the house and he drove down the road and I held my arm out the window waving my hand in the wind. Shawn stopped at a place near the woods. We got out and started to walk down a very old road into the woods.

"Shawn is this where you kill me?" I tried to hold in a laugh.

"Haha very funny. Why would I want to kill the love of my life that gave me kids of my own and the girl that I have loved ever since I met her?"

"Their my kids too lover boy."

"Well I made them."

"Your not the one that carried them for nine months straight."

"Damnit you win."

"When do I ever lose?"

"You lost when I told you Nathan wasn't the one for you. I was the one all along but you didn't want it to be ture."


"No I'm serious Ashley. You never wanted to admit that I was the one for you until I finally had the fucking guts to tell you. I should have told you back in eighth grade before Nathan asked you in ninth grade. You would always beat the shit out of him because he bullied me. You fought James, Mark, and Charlie because of what they did to me in Magcon including Taylor. Just why do I have to go through this? I was such a nerd back then." Shawn said angry but sad at the same time.

I pushed Shawn gently against a tree and put my hands on his chest.

"Shawn I will love you forever and always and no one on this Earth can change that. Your right about everything but you were never a nerd. Don't ever think that way. Your my life and without you I'm nothing. When you almost left me last week when Nathan rapped me, I thought I was going to die. You leaving is what I never want to see because I almost faced that once and I don't want to know what it would be like if you did leave me because I can't live without you if your not in my life. I can't lose you, I love you so much Shawn. Your my everything. No one can replace you." I said as tears ran down both of our cheeks.

Shawn grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to his body. I leaned up and kissed his lips for a few seconds and pulled away. Shawn let a small smile come out of hiding which made me smile back at him.

"Ok come on I want to show you something." Shawn said dragging me through the woods and out to a opening and to my surprise it was the school where Shawn and I met. They closed down this school a long time ago but there is a place where we can get in at. The back school door is unlocked because it is broken. Shawn and I walked in and and the lights were already on. We gave each other a weird look but kept walking. We heard voices so we stopped and listened.

"Hey James remember this is where Nathan beat the shit out of Shawn when Ashley first came here." Mark said.

"Yeah he was a badass nerd." Charlie said.

"Charlie you were the one that always would blurt out secrets and random stuff out." James said.

"Yeah I was a handful back then. I was the one that saw Shawn and MaKayla kiss that one time at her party." Charlie said.

Shawn laid his head against the wall and started to get mad and stiff. I stood in front of him because he won't be able to control his anger. I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He relaxed at my touch because I'm the only one that can clam him down if I detract him in so many ways that won't piss him off more. He place his hands on my waist and pulled away. He looked deep into my eyes just do he can stay clam. I know MaKayla didn't mean to kiss him and they both didn't count it as their first kiss. Shawn just doesn't want people to make a big dale out of his past. He kept his hands on my waist and I gave him a look that meant 'let it go'. He gave me a look back to warn me about what he is about to do. I shook my head and he tried to walk towards them down the hall but I pushed him back up against the wall and pend his arms to the wall shaking my head no. He rolled his eyes and I gave his a 'really' look. He looked down and at the floor and turned his head like he see's something. I looked down and saw a little locket laying on the floor. Shawn picked it up and opened it. Shawn looked at the picture in side the locket and handed it to me. I looked at it and It was a picture of my mom and dad. I was so confused about how it got here.

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