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He looked at me. I looked at him. We didn't dare to break the silence between us. My breathing grew heavy as he stared at me, trying to plan his next move carefully.

"I'm going to need you to be calm." He said slowly approaching me. "Please, don't kill me. I won't tell anyone, I swear. I'll do anything, just don't kill me." The words rushed out of my mouth as I backed away from him.

He suddenly smirked.


"Oh god." What have I done? I think I just sold my soul to the devil on accident.

"Would you be my babygirl?" He whispered in my ear, chills made me shiver as they traveled down my spine.

Sometimes when bad things happen it might take a little while for the adrenaline to kick in. During that time it takes, you make the smart and logical decisions that save your life, but when it finally does kick in...

"Oh hell no. Boy, you think you can just kill somebody, and then try to scare me. Then you want to ask me out. What are you thinking, that you can get into my pants that easily? Hell to the no."

So Dear Father Who Art in Heaven,

Take mercy on my soul because I'm about to die.

"Wow, so even death doesn't persuade you. You really are different from all the other girls." He said and I think he smiled a bit, but I'm pretty sure it was just the angle I was looking at him. After all, f-boys don't smile, they just smirk.

"Don't try to butter me up. If you haven't noticed, it doesn't work, Mr. I-Just-Killed-A-Man." I said pointing my finger towards his chest, standing on my tippy-toes trying to size myself up. I wasn't short or anything, but dang, Jason was tall.

Jason grabbed my wrist, spun us around, and pushed me up against the alley wall.

"Babygirl, I was going to let you go, but I hope you realize that your stuck with me now. I can't just let you go after what you've seen." He whispered into my neck. Suddenly he threw me over his shoulder and pulled out his phone.

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to clean this up, quick too, I've wasted too much time already." He spoke into the phone and ended it quickly after. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and readjusted me on his shoulder. I bounced with every step he makes.

"Where are you taking me?" I squirmed in his arms.

"My place, we need to talk in private." He said holding onto me tighter.

I wiggled around some more knowing it was annoying him and he stopped suddenly.

I felt a tingling pain on my butt.

"JASON" I yelled.

"What? You were annoying me and it was right in front of me. How could I not?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ugh, you're so... just ugh." I said and laid limp on top of him.

"See, was it really that hard to cooperate?"

And so I started squirming again in his arms.

"Marlee, I'm warning you." He said in a serious tone.

"How do you even know my name?"

He twisted my body in his arms so he was carrying me with us facing each other. I had to wrap my legs around him so I wouldn't fall. Don't ask me why I was willingly letting him hold me like this because I really don't know.

"The same way you knew mine. When I heard about you from all the other students. Besides, how could I not know the name of my next target?"

I leaned my head back to look at him. I had never really been this close to a boy before, and my stomach was in knots.

Secrets (Jason McCann/Dolan Twins au)Where stories live. Discover now