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I was still wearing my huge sweatshirt from school, and it had engulfed me in its warmth only moments before, but now all I felt was freezing. Chills were running up and down my spine. His hand on my mouth was freezing. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

With his arm wrapped around me, I was pressed flush against the strangers body. And I could feel he was ripped. 

'This dude needs to chill on the steroids.' I thought to my self. At the worst times I have the best humor. Just kidding, my humor was still as bad as ever.

Jason's face had shown shock and worry when I was first grabbed, but it faded as soon as I had seen it. His face was like stone, he was like a Greek sculpture. I mean, I would have thought that anyway because he's so hot but-

'Wait. Why am I think of how hot Jason is when I'm in the arms of a stranger? What is wrong with m-'

My thoughts were cut short as Jason pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man behind me. 

My eyes widened, and I tensed up.

"Let her go." He spoke slowly, but threateningly.

"What will you do Jason, shoot me? The girl is in front of me, you'd shoot her first." His voice wasn't as deep as I had expected. He was probably the same age as us.

"Well that's no way to treat a lady, using me as a shield. But what would I expect from you, you weirdo." I said squirming in his arms. They were nothing like Jason's. His were more comforting, and not restricting.

The man laughed. 

"Where'd you find such a funny girl, and how much did you pay?" He questioned Jason.

I stomped on his foot, and he let out a grunt of pain.

"He didn't pay anything, we're just friends." I repeated the same words Jason had said earlier. 

"Oh? So he wouldn't mind if I did this?" The man spun me around in his arms and took my chin in his hands, bringing our faces closer together. He tilted his head to the side, teasingly bringing his lips to my neck.




My heart raced, my face paling. His lips on my neck made me disgusted, and I shivered. 

'Please Jason. Do whatever it takes, just save me.'

The mans hands were on my biceps giving me enough room to move my hands. So I tilted my head to the side, giving Jason a clear shot. 

"Jason, hands, please." I said hoping it was discreet yet specific enough for Jason to get it and for the man to not. And I then a made a gun with my hand at my side, doing a shooting motion.

And the a gun went off.

The hands fell from my arms, and the lips left my neck. I gasped on let out a cry. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the body. I felt arms wrap around me, and I screamed.

"No, NO!" I struggled in their grip.

"Marlee, it's just me. I'm Jason, I'm not going to shoot you." And I relaxed in his arms. I buried my face in his chest, sobbing.

"I-Is he d-dead?" I said gasping for air through my sobs.

"With a bullet in his head? Yeah, he's dead."

"I-I don't know w-wether to be happy o-o-or sad." I wrapped my arms around him.

"Shh, just don't think right now." He said, rocking us slowly side to side.

Secrets (Jason McCann/Dolan Twins au)Where stories live. Discover now