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My head pounds, and my body feels restricted. I groan and try to open my eyes. They're heavy like the rest of my body. When I do open my eyes all I see is black. 

'Am I blind? Why can't I see where I am?' All I can remember is Jason leaving me while he went to get supplies for a fight.

"Stop struggling." I hear a deep voice say, and I freeze my movements. 

"Who are you? Where am I?" I question the voice. The voice lets out a laugh. "You'll find out soon enough." 

I feel my body being picked up, and let out a yelp. Then I feel my leg being hit.

"Shut your mouth." I hold back a whimper.

I'm carried for a few minutes before I hear a familiar voice.

"I swear to god, what did you do with her?" The voice belongs to Jason. 

"Jason!" I scream out and then I feel a burning pain at the back of my head. This time I don't hold back the cry.

"Shut up." The deep voice says.

"I'm going to kill you if you lay a single finger on her." Jason says in a threatening tone.

"Well then you'll have to kill me multiple times if I laid my whole fist on her then, right?" Another voice fills the room, then laughs. It's Jason's dad.

Suddenly light fills my eyes as I can see where I am. It seems to be an abandoned factory. Rusted walls surround us, and the concrete floors do nothing to prevent the echo that's present. Then my eyes land on Jason.

I search his body for anything that could indicate he's hurt, and I find nothing. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't think he can see me, or my kidnapper yet. Jason is backed up by the Dolan twins and a couple other men I don't know. I smile thinking we've got the upper hand, then I look towards Jason's dad's side. We're outnumbered by a lot. 

My limbs are still tied, but at least have my sight. I'm holding back the words in my mouth as I wish to call out to Jason, but I know it would only end up in me getting hurt again. Or worse, getting Jason hurt.  I struggle in my seat and feel hands grasp my arms, stopping my movement. I let out a soft gasp. 

"Move one more time and Ill put a bullet through your head." I feel a chilling metal rest upon my skull. I barely breath as true terror sinks in.

Jason approaches his father and pulls out a gun. His father smirks and with a simple gesture one of his men shoots at the ceiling. I flinch at the loud sound. 

"That's a warning shot, son." He spits out the last word. 

"A real man wouldn't dare warn his opponent, dad." Jason says with venom in his voice. He makes a gesture with his hand, like his dad did, and Jason's men begin shooting at the other side. 

They're shooting rapidly, and I can only watch in horror as I see men fall on both sides from the corner of my eyes, but my real focus is on the two in the center. 

Both hope and dread fill my heart as I watch them circle each other, waiting for the other to strike first. Suddenly, Jason shoots at his dad. He attempts to dodge the bullet but it lands in his shoulder. I shudder at the thought of what it must feel like to be shot. 

Then Jason's dad looks up to Jason slowly, and pulls the trigger repeatedly. My heart stops and I close my eyes. There's no way Jason could dodge all those bullets at once. I hear metal ricochet off the walls and I open my eyes. He dodged the bullets. 

"It's going to take more than that to take me down." Jason has a cocky smirk on his face. He stalks up to his dad and kicks the gun out of his hand. Then he places his own at his dad's head. 

"Any last words?" The smirk never leaves his face as he tightens his grip on the trigger, almost setting it off. 

His dad lets out a laugh. "Never let your enemy get the last word." And then he pulls the trigger.

His dad falls to the ground, but Jason does too. A knife is in Jason's back, and their blood mixes as it pours out of them. 

"Jason!" I scream and try to run towards him. My kidnapper hold me and I thrash in his hold.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" I kick and struggle in his arms.

"Someone! Somebody! Please..." I stop struggling and just sob as I realize theres nothing I can do. Jason is dead and I'm probably next. 

I can barely breathe as I bawl, my eyes never leaving his body. Ethan finally notices what has happened. His eyes meet mine and his gun aims at me. I duck as he pulls the trigger and my kidnapper releases me. I fall to the ground and Ethan runs over to me. 

"You're going to be okay, I'm going to get you out of here." He tries to look me in my eyes when he speaks but mine won't meet his. The only thing on my mind is Jason.  Ethan realizes what I'm looking at and turns me away from Jason's body.  He begins to untie me. 

"You'll get through this." He offers me a small smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. I just sit there limp and unmoving.  When Ethan finally unties me I stand warily. Ethan offers me a hand, but I just walk straight toward Jason.

I fall down to my knees before his body and turn his body towards me. His eyes never open. I breathe in once before letting out a wail. Everything is silent except for my cries. No one tries to approach me.  

"Jason, how could you die? How could you leave me? You know I love you. What am I supposed to do now?" I cry into his chest. 

"How am I supposed to live without you?" I don't speak a word after that, I am unable to speak through my tears.

Secrets (Jason McCann/Dolan Twins au)Where stories live. Discover now