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I breathe in sharply. My heart races, and my hands begin to shake.

"He's not dead? He was shot, he has to be dead."

But my heart is racing and it won't slow down. I jump up and rush out of the house, clutching the photo in my hand. I sprint to Jason's house, not even stoping at the roads to look before crossing.

I burst through his door not caring that I didn't knock.

"Jason!" I yell into their darkly lit home.

"Please, oh my god." I begin to hyperventilate.

"Marlee? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" He pulls me into his arms and looks into my eyes.

"He's coming for us Jason, he's coming! I though we were safe-I thought he was dead. I-I just-" I'm cut off by a sob that escapes my mouth.

He grasps my face forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Who's coming for you, who's coming for us?" His eyes search mine. I wish I could drown in that sweet silky honey, but I can't. Not anymore. Not when someone could be willing to kill me at any chance they could get, or worse. Like kill Jason.

"Your dad, Jason! It's your dad." I whisper the end as he lets me go. I fall to my knees and he punches the wall.

"GOD DAMNIT!" He screams and runs a hand through his hair.

My loud, choked sobs and his heavy breathing are the only sounds we make.

"I knew he would pull something like this, I know how he plays. I just wanted to get you out of there!" He punches the wall again, creating a bigger dent. "I swear he won't lay a single finger on you, Marlee. I will protect you. I promise." He walks up to me and sits on the ground.

He collects me into his arms and I put my face up against his chest. He picks me up when I calm down and the picture falls out of my hands, but it doesn't matter. Because I know Jason will protect me, and that wasn't a secret.


The next morning I wake up in Jason's arms. I smile to myself and cuddle into him. I look up at him and his sleeping face. Even though we should be on high alert, we were at peace.

I began to see a small smile forming on his face while I was looking at him. "You're awake, aren't you?" I say.

"Mhmm." He opens his eyes to look at me.

"God, you're so beautiful." He kisses me. Our kiss begins to get quick and needy, but I push him away. He groans and tries to kiss me again.

"Nope, it's too early for that." I laugh as he gives me a disapproving look.

"Maybe later." I say to him and he smiles.

"You better keep your word." He says as he gets up.

"I said maybe." I call out to him as he walks into his bathroom to get ready.

When he gets out we walk downstairs to get breakfast. After we eat we walk into Jason's office that is two doors down from his room. He sits at his chair and I sit at the one across from his.

"Why do you have this?" I question the need for a high schooler to need such a professional office like this.

"I had to grow up quick to save my mom and I. I had to do some messed up things, but it worked out in the end." He then picks up a phone and dials a number.

It rings for a few seconds before it is picked up.

"You know why I'm calling you, prepare some of the boys for a fight. Marlee and I will pick up the supplies. You know where they'll meet us." He speaks in a monotone, yet threatening voice.

"Fight? Supplies? Who are we meeting?"

He hangs up the phone and grabs my hand. We walk out of his house and to his black Ferrari. He opens the door for me and I get in. He gets in on the drivers side and pulls away from the house. We drive for a bit before we pull up to a warehouse. I shoot Jason a confused look.

"Don't question anything, and stay by me." We walk up to the warehouse together, but before we walk in I grab his hand.

When we walk into the building all I see are weapons. Guns, knives, bats, tasers, mallets, nun-chucks, even whips. I look to Jason quickly, but he just shakes his head.

He walks around the area, grabbing weapons as he goes. He hands me one.

"Hold it." He orders. I look at it, and shake my head.

"The gun's empty, you won't shoot anything." I grab it hesitantly. He continues walking until we make it back to the car.

"Jason, why do we need these?" I question him. He looks at me and laughs.

"He wants a fight. If he wanted to attack you, even kidnap you again, he would have kept quiet. He thinks he can beat us, but he can't. Because I won't hold back when it comes to you. He sent a letter to one of my men earlier saying where to meet. It's happening today, and I want you where I know you're safe when it happens. I want you with me." He begins to drive and I tense in my seat.

"Jason, are we going there now?" I breath out.

"No we need to go one other place first. Then we'll go." He speeds up on the road.

The building he pulls up to is smaller than the last. I walk beside him as he enters the building. The inside is much less intimidating than the last. There are shelves of protective gear lined up. Vests, clothing, and even shoes.

"I'm going to get what I need. You can stay here, I'll be back. If you need me just yell. It's hard to hear inside here." He walks away and I stand by the door.

His footsteps begin to fade, but then I begin to hear some approach me from behind.

"It's probably just Jason." I think to myself. "He must come here a lot so he should be done by now."

Arms wrap around me and I relax. It's Jason.

"Done so fast?" I laugh and turn my head to see him.

But it's not him.

I scream, but a hand is placed over my mouth. I bite the hand and he removes it for a second.

"Jason!" I scream, but I am dragged away.

"You better stay quiet." The man speaks lowly. I'm thrown into a car where other men are in the back.

They tie my hands and put tape on my mouth.

"Now be a good pretty little thing and stay still." One of the men say as I squirm in my seat. I glare at him and squirm even more.

He sighs and nods to another man behind me. I feel a striking pain at the back of my head before black spots cloud my vision.

"I warned you."

Secrets (Jason McCann/Dolan Twins au)Where stories live. Discover now