Chapter one - Change

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Today was my first day in a new town and a new country crikey! im Aradia im 31 years old and have just moved to America with my family as my father had taken up a new job over here.

I already have some friends over here so its not as if it would be awkward for me theres my best friend Spooks ( a nickname she has had since age of 13 due to her love of the paranormal )her real name is Suzanne,Autumn who unlike Spooks and myself is rather shy and tries not to be noticed ,lianna who is a total hot head at times she loses her temper over anything and nothing but we wouldnt change her for the world and brianna whos the youngest. We have all known each other for most of our lives especially spooks and myself she moved over here 4 years ago and living in england felt like i had part of me ripped away so when my father told me and my mother and 2 sisters and brothers that we were going to America to live we jumped at the chance anything was better than living in England what with its weird weather systems 1 day roasting next windy with rain, hail and snow and too top it all off too make it better my father had bought me a couple of horses which had always been my one of my dreams.

Two days earlier I couldnt keep my good news under hand i had to ring Spooks to tell her we spoke for 3 hours that day about everything going over the “good old days we had together when we were younger like the time when i lived on a farm and we had went for a walk and i got stuck in a big mud patch and decided to reach out for what i thought at the time a plain wire fence turned out it wasnt it was only an electric one what a laugh then the time when my mothers neighbour had made a pond in the garden and asked if we could get sum tiddlers (fish) from the burn that was 2 miles away we obliged we had to walk through fields full of cows and bulls we ended up being chased by a cow as Spooks wanted to stroke the calf by you have never seen two girls run so quick in their life when we reached the burn Spooks decided to lean over to catch a fish and fell head first into it lol.Before we eventually hung up Spooks said she had summit to tell me I asked her what she told me she had met and was getting engaged to a guy called Johnathan Seward they met a year after she moved over I couldnt believe it my best mate finally getting hitched, and that she wanted me to be her chief bridesmaid now it was possible for me to go over and be there on her big day, she slyly slipped in that he had four mates Matt, Brian, Jimmy and zachary ( who all had weird nicknames but said she would tell me when i finally got there.On a high we both said our goodbyes and hung up just as my mother was yelling for me to get downstairs.

So here i was the day previous packing all my stuff in my room and finally getting rid of the worst part of my life and finally looking forward instead of backwards which i will tell you about.

Chapter one - ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now