Chapter Eleven - warmness of the soul

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********** Sorry if its a bit sexual just warning incase your offended *********

After finally getting up the stairs Zacky put me down and opened the bedroom door i couldnt believe my eyes Matt and Brian had done the room out in same colours as they done the gazeebo they had decorated the four poster bed with creamy gold voiles the window had a blackout blind along with more voiles there was candles all over the room rose petals strewn on the bed which had black satin and silk bedding on i walked into the bathroom  where somebody had already been in and ran a bath and thrown red rose petals in and lit the candles i looked at Zacky and he just shrugged and smiled at me taking a deep breath i giggled and shook my head and told him since bath was ran ill jump in , Zaacky came into the bathroom a couple minutes later with two champagne flutes handed me one and placed his down while he got himself undressed i couldnt help but stare his body was amazing god i never realized he was so fit he had already put music on i smiled to myself it was my fav song november rain,

Zacky climbed in the bath and sat behind me he slowly moved my hair from my neck and started gently kissing it he then wrapped his arms round me and held me for a bit before gradually getting up and moving in front of me my breating started to falter a bit and my heart was racing he slowly took my face in his hands and pulled me gently to his face and slowly started kissing me he then made his way down my neck to my breasts my breathing became worse, after a while he got out the bath and walked towards the door and looked at me and smiled and waited till i got out he took my hand and led me to the bed where we explored each other for a while and couldnt hold back any longer gently he lowered himself onto me and eased himself in by god the sex was amazing never in my life had i been treat like Zacky was treating me all the time he kept asking if it was ok and if i wanted him to stop he never rushed it either every move was slow and gentle which in the end drove me crazy, we both came togther after a while he just lay there staring at me smiling the smile i loved about him he carefully rolled us both over so we were facing each other covered me in kisses and cuddles each time telling me he loved me we both cuddled up after 2 hours and fell into a blissful sleep ( every candle had been snuffed out well before this lol~) we both awoke at 9am still in same postion we had fell asleep in again zacky covered me in kisses before he got up, we both had a shower got dressed and went down the stairs Jimmy and Johnny looked at us and smiled Matt looked at Zacky and said "take it the cat got the cream then " to which Zacky laughed and they all turned round and said "well yas cant say nothing happened as yas made it obvious with all the moaning " omg i replied and went into the kitchen for a coffee


Half an hour later i was back at my parents house to see to the horses mam and dad both looked and asked if i was ok and if everything went 2 plan which i replied back with a yes next thing i knew i was being hugged well finally you have a decent man who cherishes the ground you walk on we are so happy for you .

I was so happy right now i was back with my friends made new ones had been welcomed into a new family and had a man who i was totally in love with and knew who loved me what could go wrong now ?

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