Chapter Four -New friends

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I couldnt believe it for the first time in six months i had the best night sleep ever i even woke up at 6 am without setting my alarm.

So i had a lovely soak in my bath got changed 9into old clothes and ran downstairs, I wasnt suprised to see my mam and dad up so early and sitting having a cuppa and bite to eat “good morning love” my mam said, “hey mam”, “plenty water in kettle its just boiled before you come down “ so here i was sat with my mam and dad talking about our plans for the day.

Once i finished i excused my self and asked my dad for key to padlock for stable yard.

By ten in the morning i had finished my yard chores along with the help of my sisters and little brother , i needed a shower again so went away and had one and proceeded to get my self ready for the day ahead it took me ages to decide what to wear in the end i picked out a pair of blue jeans and a black strappy vest and trainers , Spooks had rang earlier when i was at the horses to let me know that they would meet me at huntington beach pier at 12 talk about nervous not that i was nervous about seeing spooks after all these years and the other girls but at meeting the guys ( reasons for being 1 i wasnt very good at meeting new people and two when it came to talking to guys i often tripped on words and ended up not saying anything at all apart from going bright red).

So off i wandered not even knowing where i was going, after an hour i eventually found it and typical i was early as usual so i text Spooks and told her i would meet them in the restaurant as i was starting to feel hungry and had one hell of a thirst on so off i went.

20 minutes had passed byr the time the gang turned up, i couldnt believe much Spooks changed on seeing Spooks and her seeing me i got up from the table i had for us and went running over to her talk about excitement after hugging we ended up jumping round like idiots at fact we finally got to see each other again after we finished she introduced me to johnny it was weird as he was the same height as me but down to earth Spooks had made a great choice here next she introduced me to matt he was taller than johnny and dark haired and rather muscly and his arms covered in tattoos , then there was brian he too was tall had messy dark hair and lovely brown eyes and again tattooed up his arms , then there was Jimmy he was like a big kid instead of shaking my hand he picked me up and spun round with me which kinda shocked me then she introduced me to zacky he seemed rather shy he was a couple inches taller than me again same as others full tattoos ( which i loved btw) and his eyes were to die for they were most unusual shade of light green he had 2 snake bite piercings in bottom lip and a septum piercing i couldnt take my eyes off him i heard Spooks telling johnny she knew i would like him but hoped if anything happened zacky didnt rush me and johnny said he understood . “Hey wheres autumn lianna and brianna” i asked “oh they gonna meet us down on beach in a while they are with their partners” so after all the introductions we went back to the table and had a great afternoon Spooks and myself wouldnt shut up poor Johnny and the others couldnt gt a word in dge ways , Brian looked at us and rolled his eyes and said typical women yas are like michelle and val when they get together - two old hens in a farm yard to which he recieved a playful slap from Spooks , once we finished eating we went down to beach to meet the others here we stayed till 4 am , i called my parents earlier and told them i was going to Spooks so not too worry i would see them at 11 am.

We left the beach Spooks,Johnny, Jimmy, Zacky and myself went back to Spooks and johnnys, Matt and Brian went back to theirs.

Upon arriving at Spooks house i was in awe her home looked the same as mine except there was a recording studio next 2 kitchen “wow” i said to Spooks still in awe she told me the guys were actually a band by the name of avenged sevenfold and this is where they usually recorded.

We all went into the living room and collapsed on the settees the men started talking music and me and Spooks spoke about her forth coming wedding and what was happening with it.

All the time of talking with Spooks i felt i was being watched not by 1 pair of eyes but 2 every move i made they seemed to move their head in the end i retreated upstairs as i was getting a bit freaked out lol.

I could hear Spooks and Johnny explaining to Zacky and Jimmy what happened great i thought just what i wanted them to hear what id been through. With that thought i u ndressed and climbed into bed , I awokw with a start to the sound of my phone ringing it was my dad just telling me the horses had been sorted and that i didnt need to rush back so told him i’d be back round 7pm.

I left the room i slept in walked down the stairs and seen Spooks in kitchen i asked where johnny, zack and jimmy were and she said in the pool “ok” i replied, “why you asking “ Spooks asked so i explained and she told me back we thought it best to tell them so they knew “ok” i replied, we thought it would be easier us telling instead of you having to replay what happened to you

Chapter one - ChangeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora