Chapter Ten-Welcome to the family

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Im sure nobody likes me getting sleep at 3 am i heard a tapping on my bedroom door just to be told Zack  didnt need to go for my cousin as she wasnt coming to stay with us, so I had to text Zacky to let him know he didnt need to go to airport i recieved a text back saying thats good but i'm still gonna come over to see you luv Zx


I finally managed to get some sleep i woke up at 9.30 am to an empty house lovely as this dont happen much so i set about doing all the chores i was about to go out and see to the horses when there was a knock at the door on opening I saw Brian and Jimmy standing there grinning like cheshire cats " hey guys what yas want?" i asked Brian was first to reply "well we had been sent by Zack to help you with the horses and stuff " mmmmm i thought to myself "ok well im heading off round to the yard now so come on " why Zacky send you round for" i asked Jimmy " i dunno think he thought u needed to be finished early i spose", "mmm he was meant to be coming round ere" i said , Brian spoke next explaining zack had summit to do with matt and johnny,"oh like what he never said" well to be honest we have aqint allowed to say."

So here I was wondering what was going on, we finally got to the yard and jimmy decided to have a mad moment we were in fits of laughter for ages when he  finally calmed down he looked at me with all seriousness and said " am i meant to get on that " me and brian looked to where he was pointing and started laughing again " erm no i think hes a bit small poor thing will look like he has  six legs instead of four " we finally got finished and walked back round to the house, "so what time is zacky coming then" i asked them both , they both looked and in unison said " he aint we have to drive you"

So we got into the house mam n dad werent back yet i got showered and changed as i was coming down stairs Brian had recieved a call "ok we'll be on our way ", Jimmy seen me coming down stairs and all of a sudden he grabbed me threw me over his shoulder and ran down the stairs Brian retrieved the key from my pocket  and locked the door behind us "um you can put me down now jimmy please" awwww shucks and i was having fun he replied. " im not im getting a really bad head rush god knows what the neighbours think me bein g carried out over a mans shou;lder.

Brian opened the car doors and we all jumped in and asked if we were ready "where we going bri i asked jimmy turned round and replied " to the moon" after an hours drive we arrived at Matts house Jimmy again picked me up and put me over his shoulders and carried me into matts house.

When we got in it was unusually quiet considering Matt is usually on his xbox, "where is Matt, Johnny and Zacky i asked " dunno was all i got in reply . we searched house top to bottom all along Jimmy and Brian had a smile on their faces " tell you what lets go into garden and sit by pool Brian said " "UM ok will Matt mind" i asked "why would he mind we always do it" so we proceeded to head for the garden, Brian went in front of me and Jimmy behind who by this time was walking with his hands on my waist as if he was steering me , we walked into the garden and Matt came running towards us "suprise " he said " what ya mean " i asked Johnny Zacky Spooks all came forward " well  we just wanted to suprise you and do something to welcome you into our family " eh family lol i wondered to my self " well since you are now Zacks girl you are now part of the family " replied Jimmy.

20 mins after i arrived Autumn , Lianna and Brianna turned up " Hey Aradia how are you ?" " im good thanks guys yous?" " we are good so you finally found sense and took up with Zacky well am pleased for you, you deserve happiness after what you have been through" Brianna asked, Matt shot a look over wondering what she was on about.

"Umm yeah you can say that although i havent took up with him as you say we had a date last night and he asked me out and i said yea lol" i replied going scarlet.

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