Chapter 3 - Why Cheat On My Mom?

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"Why did you cheat on my mother with Audree? Audree! I mean really, dad?" I yelled slash questioned him, eager to know the answer. He looked weird I couldn't detect his emotions. He shrugged and looked at me cold.

"Love, I did it for love. I don't love your mother the way I love Audree, Audree was my first everything, she is my whole heart," he said, putting his hand on his heart.

"Then why did you marry her and have us?" I questioned more.

He looked away, with regret in his eyes. Then, I knew; she wouldn't take him back we were just a rebound. I started to cry,but then, I stopped; he isn't worth my tears. I walked away and sighed.

"I'm still living with mom," I finished walking away.


Mom came home from work and they got into an argument about who was keeping the house. Finally, my father gave in.

"Since you have the kids, you can have the house. Goodbye!"

He walked out the door with nothing but himself; I felt kinda sorry for him, then, I remembered what he did, and got mad again.

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