Chapter 17~ School is Back

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Chapter 17~ School is back

I walked threw the rusty doors as I tasted the sweet taste if mint on my tongue. The flavor was dancing all over my tongue. My boots swished as raindrops plopped onto the tiled floor. My backpack pulled my down in a hunchback. I grabbed the light blue strap, and pulled it up onto my shoulder blade. I fixed my blouse by tugging it down with me manicured nails.

Everyone was scrambling through the halls like a chicken whose lost it's head. My hair moved behind me as a boy ran past me. My red hair flowed in such a weird way. Half of it was in my eyes, I swiped my hand up and fixed my locks. I reached a flight of stairs, I started to run up them. I got to the top out of breath. Panting I went to my locker. That all too familiar combination etched into my brain. I heard a fit of laughter as I pushed my bag into it's place.

I turned around and saw something I never wanted to see in my life. Blonde bitch hoe was stuffing a random guy's throat with her tongue. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and turned around. I grabbed my chemistry book and began my trip to Chem. 2. I waltzed my way into the classroom and found my normal seat. I ripped open my book to page fifty-nine. Where we last left off. Mr. Zavier cleared his throat.

"shhh class please open your books class is starting." he said in a southern drawl.


I was standing in the lunchline behind a chubby faced teen boy. He had pizza and pop, while I had a sub and a milk with some broccoli. I know what your thinking blah! Right? Well I happen to like broccoli. (I really do like broccoli) it was finally my turn to pay the cashier. I pulled out a couple of ones and handed the lady them. She stuffed them into the cash register as I left.

I sat at my usual table, next to Drake. I grabbed my sub and pulled it to my smooth lips. I opened my mouth and pushed in the sub. I chomped down on it and tasted it. It tasted really good. I got the turkey, tomato, lettuce, and ranch together in a mix. I chewed my food all the way and set down my sandwich. I pulled my head up and searched the room.

The nerds

The jocks

The populettes (maybe you use this word but I like to think I made it up it means becoming a popular)

The populars

The cheerleaders

The emos

And last but not least the in between which was Drake, my friends, and me.

I tugged on the gem of my blouse, because I was bored. I zoned out and began to daydream. My daydream was about having the baby. I thought of me and Drake's little family. We would be the perfect little family. All of us would be so happy together. I let my daydream fully take over.

Drake's POV

I looked over at Katie and saw she zoned out. Her soft hair behind her ears, her eyes off in the distant path. Her mouth was in a smile, as she sat there frozen. Her manicured fingertips were laying on top of eachother. She looked so beautiful. I can't believe she is holding my baby. I'm also so glad that she accepted my apology. She just said okay and kissed me. Oh, how I love those lips on mine.

I tapped Katie's shoulder and she jumped. I swear she went to the moon and back. Her eyes bulged out and she yelled loudly. Her hand smacked onto her tray and her sandwich was dented. She turned her head to face me and I looked in her eyes. She held rage in those cute eyes. Hopefully she's not to mad. Hopefully just hopefully.

"damn Drake you scared the shit out of me!" she screamed laughing her cute little ass off.

"sorry babe I was just wondering...what are you thinking about?"

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