Chapter 19~ Family Outings + apologies and happiness

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THANK YOU ALL READERS!!! 1.015 reads made me cry with joy. I'm sorry I kinda lost my spark but when I saw that I just lit up and the lightbulb was dusted off. :)

Chapter 19~ Family Outings

Kale, Stanley, Lilly, Emily, Mom, Micheal, and me were in a limo yes a limo, going out to dinner. Lilly has been transitioning ever since we moved in with Micheal. But seriously I think Lilly has a crush on Kale. She didn't want to stay until she met him. I guess were going towards the city to eat, cause that's the direction were headed. I looked over at Lilly and had to hold back a laugh. I covered my mouth. She was making googily eyes at Kale. What made it funnier was Stanley making googily eyes at Lilly. I sense bro/sis romance, but maybe that's just me. I looked over across the limo and saw peanuts, oh yummy. One problem you can't stand up.

"Can someone pass me the nuts?" I asked.

"Finally why don't we turn around and get down to it. You like it rough or soft and slow?" Kale the stupid smartass had to make a sex comment.

"Honey were going to eat right now, it can wait." mom said. I was shocked Micheal seemed amused by his sexual comment. Not even telling him not too. I could see Lilly glaring at me, she liked him.

We finally got there and we parked at the entrance. Everyone shuffled out of the car, there was a strange smell. Oh my god! I think Kale farted, that bastard left it in here for me to smell. I couldn't take the smell, I scrambled out of the car and into the doors. I got weird glances from people let them hope it was from that episode and not my medical condition. Or their gonna get some glares their way too. Bitches. Everyone caught up with me laughing their asses off. Totally bit funny. We all gathered ourselves and went to the front desk. There was a young woman, her chocolate brown hair was pulled into a ponytail. The rest pinned back, like her bangs.

"Do you have a reservation?" she asked.

"Yes it's going to be under Chesler." Micheal said politely. Probably not to piss her off so we don't get kicked out.

"Right this way sir." she said walking away.

I hadn't noticed before but this place was very elegant. Very modest and very expensive. It looked beautiful. The curtains, the chairs, the tablecloths, the tables, and the decorations. We were walking towards a window, the sun shown through brightly. We all took our seats and grabbed a menu. The lady walked away and I looked over it. I think I'll have a sprite, and maybe some Mac n' cheese with frenchfries. Then maybe some beans. Yep that's exactly what I'll have, you'd expect this fancy place to have fancy foods but it doesn't. A server came by and pulled out a pen and a notepad.

"what would you guys like today?" he asked politely, even though he was polite he was staring at my showing stomach in disgust. If he even says anything I will get up and kick his ass.

"I'll have a sprite, Mac n' cheese, frenchfries, and some beans. Please." I said with a bit of anger. Luckily nobody noticed. He glided away into the kitchen, I turned to my mom who was now talking.

"Ugh I don't like him. Did you see that look he was giving Katie?" my mom said bitterly. "he's not getting a good tip!" she said drinking her coke.

"I was about to get up and kick his ass. Maybe his balls too." I stated.

"Katie Ann Spards you know how to talk in public!" my mom scolded. Earning a laugh from Kale.

I rolled my eyes and sipped my sprite. Finally the server came out again. He handed everyone their food. He handed me mine, and I wanted to throw up. There was some kind of meat. I put my hand to my mouth and pushed back the chair. I made a run for it to the bathroom. Too bad someone was in it, so I puked on the carpet floor. I hope he cleans that up, it smells gross. I was so embarrassed. I ran outside into the limo and started to cry. Hormones suck!

Emily came running out and into the limo. I hiccupped and she wrapped her arms around me. She held me and rubbed my back. I cried into her shoulder. "Driver drive us home and said Gary to pick up everyone else." Emily ordered Sam. I reached over and grabbed the peanuts. I scarfed them in my mouth eating all of them.


(Next Day)

Emily was sitting on Layla's lap, that's her girlfriend. While I was sitting on Drake's lap. Me and Emily were playing Left For Dead2 with eachother. I was whacking zombies with my baseball bat malee, and she was using a guitar. How practical in a zombie apocalypse? Lilly was being a slut upstairs fucking Kale. Yeah we could hear them and it was loud. The parents were gone for three days so I guess everyone's just gonna be fucking. Hopefully it's not a big distraction from real life. Real life? You say. Yeah real life the one where you don't fuck your own brother. That's just wrong.

I paused it and got off of Drake. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water. "anyone want anything?!?!" I yell asked. They all replied with a no.

I ran out into the living room and got a sharp pain in my abdomen. I fell to the floor and Drake ran to me. "What's wrong?!?!" he asked frantically.

"my-my stomach hurts." I said before blacking out.


Drake's POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I screamed at the doctor. Who apparently can't get his fucking job right.

"Drake is it? I know you love your girlfriend but I don't know if she's gonna make it through this coma. She could lose the baby and live, she could die and so could the baby, they could both live. I don't know I can't predict the future." he said. He's a jerk.

I scoffed and ran back to the waiting area. I saw my man Dez, Emily, and Layla. Lilly and Kale didn't come cause their fucking eachothers brains out. Nice huh? Soon to be steps and your sleeping together. I ran my hand through my hair for the fiftieth time this afternoon. I st on the chair and fell asleep.


One month later...(she's now six months pregnant)

Katie's POV

I woke up. Well sort of I can't at all. But I could hear the sounds around me. Doctors buzzing in and out of the rooms, and nurses arguing about dosages. I gotta say if they didn't know I could hear them, I could hear some convo's they wouldn't want me to hear. Like one where some doctor couple broke up. Then another where two doctors had sex down the hall. Yeah I could hear bitches, but I couldn't see which frustrated me. So about an hour ago I gave up trying to see.

"Katie I need you to wake up for your baby." I heard a voice. But who was it?

My eyes fluttered open to see a middle aged woman standing by me. I couldn't place who she was to me. She seemed familiar. She had brown hair and a nice smile, she seemed to like that I could see her. She ran in the hall and people shuffled in. Commotion starting. The woman came up to me and smiled.

"hey Katie." she said.

"w-who are you?" I asked.

"Its okay honey I'm your mom." she said worried. Pressing the button beside me a man came up to me. Well maybe a teen boy I'm not sure.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked me with a smirk.

"no." I said to him.

Everyone left, and I scratched my head who are these people?


Thanks again :)

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