Chapter 16~ Two Spawns One Devil

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Chapter 16~ Two Spawns One Devil

"Negative. Congratulations Katie you don't have an STD." she said with a sigh.

"thank you doctor I'll be on my way." I said, but she stopped me.

"Katie, since you were wondering about STD's you've probaly had sex at least once. So I gave you a pregnancy test also and turns out...your pregnant." she said.

I was in shock. I Katie Spards am pregnant with Drake's baby. I have a growing fetus inside my uterus. I have been pregnant for who knows long. How long? What will my mom say? What happens to my career? College? School? What happens to my life?

I need to process the fact that I am in fact pregnant. Am I really pregnant? Well of course! A fricken doctor said so. Oh my gosh and it's oh my... Drake's. He just cheated on me just a half an hour ago. He probaly already hates me and will. He will hate my baby too! No my baby needs a father.

"okay mam I'll figure this out, how much do I owe you?" I asked her.

"onehundred dallors." she stated.

"okay." I handed her one hundred dallors.

I ran out the door and into the car. As soon as I was seated in the car, I put my hands on the wheel. I broke down crying. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Seriously how am I going to raise a baby? I'm sure my mom and sister will help me out. You know? Maybe my mom will be okay with it.

I drove home first, because I didnt want to deal with him. I pulled in the drive and shut off the car. I let out a shaky breath and sighed. I grabbed my purse and opened the door. I shut it and went to the door. I shakily opened the door and stepped inside.

"m-mom meet me in the l-living room!" I shouted.

"okay honey!" she shouted.

I walked down the hall, looking at our family pictures. I put my purse on the floor, and turned a corner. I stepped into the living room and sighed. I sat on the couch. I awkwardly tapped my foot on the floor. The carpet was softly running my foot.

Mom walked into the room and sat on the couch. She sat next to me and looked at me purposely. She looked at me expecting me to speak up. I cleared my throat slightly and sighed. I hugged my mom tight and started crying.

"honey whats wrong?" she said soothingly rubbing my back.

"m-mom I'm p-pregnant..." I said trailing off. "and and I don't know what to do."

"oh honey whose the father?" she asked.

"my boyfriend Drake." I said.

"go tell his ass and we'll fix it." she said.

"mom a half an hour ago I found him cheating on me I went and checked for STD's turns out I don't but I was pregnant." I said.

I stood up and walked out the door.


"Drake I'm pregnant with your baby. I'm sure of it. I went and checked for STD's and I had none but the lady said I was pregnant." I said.

"okay but I'm going to be there." he said.

"wow that was easy I mumbled.

"I'm there as long as you forgive me for cheating I mean it was a blur." he said.

"okay." I said. I kissed him and wrapped my arms around him.

I pulled back and smiled.


I walked into the phone-prison room. I walked to the one where my dad was at. I sat down and grabbed the phone. I looked at my scum of a father. I drew the phone to my mouth. I thought of something that I could say.

"Dad I'm pregnant." I said.

"whore." he said.

"excuse me I'm not a whore he's my boyfriend and we love eachother." I said.


"listen old man don't talk about me that way." I said and slammed the phone.

I turned on my heel and ran away. I rushed out the door and into my car. I drove all the way home. I pulled in the drive and walked in the door. I walked in the kitchen cause I was starving. I opened the fridge and grabbed a salad. I set it on the counter and went to the cupboard. I opened it and grabbed a bowl. Grabbing a fork I spun around and set them on the counter.

I poured some salad into the bowl and put it away. I took the fork and dug into my salad. So yummy I just love salad. I finished and stood up, I stretched out my body and grabbed my bowl and plate. I went over to the sink and washed the dish.

Mom came down the stairs and looked at me. She walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a cup. She went over to the refrigerator. She grabbed the orange juice and poured it. She put it back in the fridge. She chugged back the juice. She set down the cup and looked at me.

"honey how was your day?" she said.

"eventful." I said.

"how?" she asked.

"well...I went to work went to suprise Drake saw him cheating tab and checked for STD's and I didn't have any lady said I was pregnant and I went told you then went to drake he apologized we got back together he said he wanted to be a part of it I went to see dad he called me a slut and a whore and came here ate salad now talking to you and now I'm tired." I yawned.

"then go to bed." she shooed me away.

I went upstairs and into my room. I changed into my comfy pajamas and got into bed. I set my alarm and rolled over. I'm pregnant with my boyfriend's baby, and I'm almost in college. That was my spring break. Back to school tomorrow as a pregnant teen. I closed my eyes and pushed away my thoughts. I slipped into a dreamful sleep.


Thanks for reading fans and I think that this is the longest chapter! :)

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