Chapter 10

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The days passed by quite peaceful. My maids are like usual, although they do their work properly they chatter quite a lot I suppose. Though they weren't like that in the beginning.

I can't blame my maid for chattering, they really do nothing much other then take care of me. Most of the time they just stand or take a seat beside my crib and stare at me, which is legitimately creepy as hell.

Previously, my two maids didn't know each other much (judging by how they acted )but once they got to know each other they got along quite well(I think). Its a good thing cause it lightens up the mood. And when they talk about things I get to learn some juic-I mean some knowledgeable stuff.

From their conversation I learned that the meeting of all the woman from before was a gathering of all the consorts with a status of Pin and above, including the empress, empress dowager, wives of princes, princesses and other direct descendant of royalty and.

What had me most shocked was that there's a gathering at least twice every month! Sure that doesn't seem so bad  but attending it was like death!!!!I can't go there or I'll die of brain damage and or an emotional break down!('༎ຶД༎ຶ')

There are also small gatherings of the consorts but the large gathering was mandatory!And they had to bring their children if they had any.

When I learned only female could attended I mentally screamed it was unfair! I reject! We need equal rights here! Injustice!!!!!!

Listening to one of their conversation about the incident last time, I can say that the woman who was carrying me, who was Gi Huang Guifei. She was a favored childhood sweetheart of father but lately he doesn't visit her anymore. So the new favored consorts of the emperor got ahead of themselves and tried to humiliate her in front of everyone, which of course backfired since they were (very) untactful.The reason was that they were jealous of Gi Huang Guifei because she has a higher status then them even though she couldn't bear any children of her own.

The two woman were new to the harem so they didn't know any better and were inexperienced in the harem. Once the emperor found out about the whole incident he ordered both of the girls to be executed...I think that's a little bit too much...No that is definitely WAY too much....At least that proves he still loves her...

Once I learned about that, I remember I was shaking the whole day, the palace was simply too dangerous!

Although the emperor doesn't visit Gi Huang Guifie as often as before she is still loved by the emperor dearly...Hence I think it would be a great idea to get on her good side.

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